世界のクリスマス&新年(Happy holidays in the world)

We spent a wonderful Christmas night with wonderful guests. Sohon Se, a cooking instructor from Taiwan, Naoko Tanase, a representative of a cooking school called “Niki’s Kitchen” and Sohon’s relatives from America. We talked about Happy Holidays in the world.

今週は、2010年最後のMy Eyes Tokyo!というわけで、たくさんの人たちと一緒に、スタジオで聖なる夜を過ごしました。先週もお越しいただいた、Niki’s Kitchenで台湾中華料理を教えているソホンさん、この番組には2回目のご出演、Niki’s Kitchen主宰の棚瀬尚子さん、そして何と、台湾への経由地として日本に来た、現在はアメリカ在住のソホンさんのご親戚の方々、総勢5名の方々がスタジオに遊びに来てくれました。日・米・台・露の4カ国・地域の首脳(?)が一堂に会し、世界のクリスマス&新年のお料理や過ごし方を語り合いました。

Tanase told us about a South American Christmas dish called “tamale”. Sausages, meats, eggs and vegetables are steamed in a leaf wrapper – that’s a tamale.
In Latin America, people make big donuts called “rosca de reyes” and they implant a pottery doll in each donut on January 6. They eat it one by one and a person who bites a doll has to prepare tamales for people on February 2.


In Taiwan, they have almost no particular Christmas dinner, but restaurants serve many kinds of Christmas menus. Then people enjoy Chinese New Year (in 2011, February 3) much more than Gregorian New Year. Originally January 1 is the National Foundation Day of Republic of China and they consider January 1 is a continuation of Christmas.
A typical New Year dish in Taiwan is fish. Taiwanese people think there is luck in fish. They bake it until it becomes firm on New Year’s Eve (*in 2011, February 2) and they eat on New Year’s day (February 3).
They have toshi koshi soba (year-end noodles), too. But their noodles are a little bit different from Japanese one. They eat chow mein (pan-fried noodles). I didn’t know that at all.


As for Sohon’s relatives. They’ve been living in the US for a long time and Carol (At right in photo above) is an American-born woman. So they eat typical American Christmas dinner, such as bread- or vegetable-stuffed turkeys, hams, mashed potatoes and pies. But on the other hand, they’re immigrants from Taiwan so they have both American dishes and Chinese dishes on Christmas night.

そして、ソホンさんのご親戚。長年アメリカのテキサス州にお住まいで、中でもキャロルさん(写真右)はアメリカ生まれアメリカ育ち。なので皆さんご存知のアメリカンスタイルのクリスマスディナーをいただくそうです。七面鳥の丸焼き(パンや野菜などの”スタッフィング”を詰め込んだもの)またはハム、マッシュポテト、そしてデザートにはパイという感じです。でも、台湾からの移民ということもあり、食卓にはそれらのような”This is America!”のようなディナーと一緒に、中国の麺料理も並ぶそうです。

In Russia, they often make vegetable- or rice-stuffed chickens. Where she comes from, Siberia, people don’t often eat turkeys. She guesses that turkeys don’t like the cold.
On New Year’s Day, they eat dumplings like Chinese jiao-zi. Are those pelmeni?


Christmas Day will be gone soon. Best wishes for a happy new year and see you again at 7PM on January 8, 2011!



クリスマスディナーショー!(Christmas dinner show)

I held a dinner show at a Japanese restaurant in Ochanomizu called “Super Dinning Ebisu” on Christmas Eve. A person who came to see my fashion show in November gave me such a wonderful opportunity.

クリスマスイヴの昨日、ディナーショーをやりました。場所は御茶の水にある、とってもおいしい和食のお店「Super Dinning 夷 ebisu」。11月の私のファッションショーをご覧になった方が、こんな素敵な場所でのディナーショーを企画して下さったんです。

Last night, I performed twice. Before each show, people had really, really delicious dinner at its dining room.


After enjoying feasts, they came to another room to enjoy my singing voices. I think it’s different from usual dinner shows. I sang “White Christmas”, Russian & Japanese folk songs, Japanese popular old songs and so on.

歌は、クリスマスの定番”White Christmas”から始めて、ロシア民謡や日本のちょっと懐かしい歌、昭和の歌謡曲などを歌い、最後は日本とロシアの「ふるさと」で終わり・・・のはずが、お客様からのアンコールの声にこたえて、最後に「黒い瞳」を歌わせていただきました。

Even though it was Christmas Eve, I sang only one Christmas song. I told them a reason for it; “In Russia, we don’t sing Christmas songs very often. I learned many of them after coming to Japan. That’s why I can’t sing them very well. I want to sing Christmas songs well after being naturalized in Japan.” I guess many audiences were surprised at what I said.

一番最初の”White Christmas”を歌ったあと、私は言いました。「ロシアではクリスマスソングを歌わないんです。日本に来てから、いろんなクリスマスの歌を知りました。だから、まだ覚え切れていません。私がいつか日本人になったら、ちゃんと歌えるようになりたいと思います」。きっと、ビックリした方も多かったのではないでしょうか。

I drew paintings behind me. White one is a fat rabbit, it’s like my audiences who cleared their plates!

Someone said, “Even though dinner and Ekaterina’s performance were hard to beat, I enjoyed them at ¥10,000. I wonder if this restaurant won’t go into red.” Me, too!


Thank you very much for spending wonderful Christmas Eve with me! I’ll hold my 3rd fashion show at Shinagawa Intercity Hall on March 29, 2011. So see you then!


台湾のクリスマス!(Christmas in Taiwan)

Today we had a Santa Claus from Taiwan as a guest. Sohon Se, one of the teachers of “Niki’s Kitchen”, who’s been teaching “Taiwanese-Chinese cuisine” to Japanese women since 2008.
She is a very popular teacher. As soon as the info about her class is uploaded onto Niki’s homepage, it’s booked up. Also when she held a jiao-zi class, as many as 100 students tried to join! That’s why she had to have jiao-zi classes many times in a row until students that were on her waiting list finish to learn.

In Taiwan, kids exchange Christmas cards with each other and adults want to spend a Christmas time with men/women. That’s really similar to Christmas in Japan! The day of December 25 is the national holiday in Taiwan (Constitution Memorial Day) so people horse around on Christmas Eve.

BTW, Sohon’s specialty is “Taiwanese-Chinese cuisine”. She underlines “Taiwanese-” because it’s different from the Chinese dishes in Mainland China. Immigrants from the mainland brought their food cultures to Taiwan and those mixed with native Taiwanese dishes and Japanese cuisine (Taiwan was a Japanese colony from 1895 until 1945). Then “Taiwanese-Chinese cuisine” originated and developed over the centuries.

Sohon san will be at our studio next Saturday, too, with Naoko Tanase, a representative of Niki’s Kitchen. We’ll talk about Christmas & New Year menus in the world, so don’t miss it!

Sohon’s class (Dec.11, 2010) ソホンさんのクラスの様子(12月11日)

今週はMy Eyes Tokyoクリスマス&新年特集第2弾、知っているようで知らないかもしれない、台湾のクリスマスについてお送りしました。ゲストは台湾からやってきた、とっても明るいサンタクロース、セ・ソホンさんです。ソホンさんは先週のサバリ・ムットさんと同じ「Niki’s Kitchen」でお料理の先生をされています。とっても人気の先生で、オンライン上に”予約開始”のお知らせをアップした瞬間に予約が埋まってしまうほど!餃子のクラスを開いた時は、100人ものキャンセル待ちが出てきたくらいの人気なんだそうです。




とっても明るくてユーモアたっぷりのソホンさんは、来週もスタジオに遊びに来てくれます。しかもNiki’s Kitchen主宰の棚瀬尚子さんも、超多忙の中お越し下さいます。テーマは「世界のクリスマスディナー&おせち料理」です。どうかお聴き逃しなく!

Ginger & milk pudding ジンジャーミルク蒸し

☆ Sohon’s recommendation for Christmas dessert; Ginger & milk pudding (for two) ☆
2 tablespoonfuls of ginger juice, 2 egg whites, 200-cc milk, 2 tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar
<How to make>
1. Mix milk and sugar, then add egg whites.
2. Strain “1” through a filter paper (called “dashi pack”) then add ginger juice.
3. Prepare 2 small bowls and pour “2” into them. Then cover them with plastic wraps and steam at low heat for about 10 minutes.

<材料> ショウガ汁大さじ2、卵白2個、牛乳200CC、グラニュー糖大さじ2
1. ミルクとグラニュー糖をよく混ぜてから、卵白を加えて混ぜ合わせる。
2. 1.をだしパックで濾す。それにショウガ汁を加えて混ぜる。
3. 容器を2つ用意し、2. をそれぞれに入れる。ラップして弱火で10分ほど蒸して、できあがり!


さようなら、サルビア(A farewell to Salvia)

A livehouse called “Ginza Salvia” has closed. I’ve performed for over a decade and held my first fashion show there on June 2010.

My last day at Salvia was December 16. While singing, I remembered wonderful memories of the livehouse. Then it’s closed yesterday.

An owner of Salvia wrote on its website; “We’ve kept our business going for 21 years in Ginza. Thank you for supporting us for such a long time. We had satisfying working life.”

I was near to tears when I read them. I know everything has an end, but I felt sad when one of my familiar places has gone.

спасибо, Salvia.

My first kimono fashion show at Salvia (June 5, 2010) 第1回着物ファッションショー(6月5日)







インドのクリスマス!(Christmas in India)

Today we had a guest from India. Savari Muthu, an Indian restaurant chain owner who runs three restaurants in Tokyo (Okubo, Shinjuku-ku) and Chiba. He told us about “Christmas in India”.
You may be confused, like “How do I associate Christmas with India?”. Actually I also thought that.
今週はMy Eyes Tokyoクリスマス&新年特集第1弾として、新宿区大久保と千葉市内で「ムット」というインド料理レストランを3店舗経営している、サバリ・ムットさんをスタジオにお招きしました。

Entrance of his second branch.2号店入口

I got to know about Muthu on the website of “Niki’s Kitchen”, a cooking school which foreigners teach their home-style dishes at their homes. When I was looking at Muthu’s page, attractive wise words jumped out at me.
“You may associate Hinduism with India, but I’m a Christian. Therefore I can cook anything including beef, pork and chicken.”
“That’s interesting!” I felt so and sent a mail to Naoko Tanase, a representative of Niki’s Kitchen, to ask her if I could have Muthu as a guest. Tanase san said YES and provided a bridge from me to him, and then my request was OK’d.
私がムットさんを知ったのは、以前もゲストにお呼びした”外国人の自宅でその国の家庭料理を習える”がコンセプトのユニークな料理教室「Niki’s Kitchen」のホームページでした。何気なくムットさんのページを見ていたら、こんな言葉が私の目に飛び込んできました。
これは面白い!と思った私は、早速Niki’s Kitchen代表の棚瀬尚子さんに連絡し「ぜひムットさんに”インドのクリスマス”についてお話ししていただきたいんです」とお願いしました。その申し出を快諾して下さった棚瀬さんが橋渡しをして下さったおかげで、このたびムットさんにゲストにお越しいただけることになりました。

In India, Hindu is predominant as you might guess. And Christian is the third-most populous there (Muslim is second behind Hindu). Christians in India attend Christmas Mass with their families around the time when the date changes to Christmas Day. After that, they toast with coffee or tea (if you want to drink, you can do it outside).
Then they give Christmas presents to their family members and neighbors. Even if their neighbors are Hindu or Muslim, Christians in India say “Merry Christmas!” to them and give presents. And they receive things from their neighbors in return on the days of their festivals.

Muthu san said, “We go beyond creed. We’re like brothers.” I remembered the last week’s talk with Rabia Tanaka, who manages a Russian cultural circle called “Teremok”. It welcomes anybody no matter who you are and no matter where you are from. I held hope that it wouldn’t be impossible for us to live in peace with those who have different backgrounds.

Lunch meals. Each includes a glass of drink (Left) Lemon rice meal (right) Parota meal

BTW, you’ll have chances to have Muthu’s Christmas dinners from December 23 through 25! He’ll prepare special meals for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Those cost ¥2500 (including 1 drink and a Christmas present from Muthu san) & ¥3,500 (including all-you-can-drink and a Christmas present). So go to “Muthu” near JR Okubo Station with your families, friends or lovers. Hopefully I also will be there… with a girl 🙂