I held a dinner show at a Japanese restaurant in Ochanomizu called “Super Dinning Ebisu” on Christmas Eve. A person who came to see my fashion show in November gave me such a wonderful opportunity.
クリスマスイヴの昨日、ディナーショーをやりました。場所は御茶の水にある、とってもおいしい和食のお店「Super Dinning 夷 ebisu」。11月の私のファッションショーをご覧になった方が、こんな素敵な場所でのディナーショーを企画して下さったんです。
Last night, I performed twice. Before each show, people had really, really delicious dinner at its dining room.
After enjoying feasts, they came to another room to enjoy my singing voices. I think it’s different from usual dinner shows. I sang “White Christmas”, Russian & Japanese folk songs, Japanese popular old songs and so on.
歌は、クリスマスの定番”White Christmas”から始めて、ロシア民謡や日本のちょっと懐かしい歌、昭和の歌謡曲などを歌い、最後は日本とロシアの「ふるさと」で終わり・・・のはずが、お客様からのアンコールの声にこたえて、最後に「黒い瞳」を歌わせていただきました。
Even though it was Christmas Eve, I sang only one Christmas song. I told them a reason for it; “In Russia, we don’t sing Christmas songs very often. I learned many of them after coming to Japan. That’s why I can’t sing them very well. I want to sing Christmas songs well after being naturalized in Japan.” I guess many audiences were surprised at what I said.
一番最初の”White Christmas”を歌ったあと、私は言いました。「ロシアではクリスマスソングを歌わないんです。日本に来てから、いろんなクリスマスの歌を知りました。だから、まだ覚え切れていません。私がいつか日本人になったら、ちゃんと歌えるようになりたいと思います」。きっと、ビックリした方も多かったのではないでしょうか。
I drew paintings behind me. White one is a fat rabbit, it’s like my audiences who cleared their plates!
Someone said, “Even though dinner and Ekaterina’s performance were hard to beat, I enjoyed them at ¥10,000. I wonder if this restaurant won’t go into red.” Me, too!
Thank you very much for spending wonderful Christmas Eve with me! I’ll hold my 3rd fashion show at Shinagawa Intercity Hall on March 29, 2011. So see you then!