Promoting the charms of Japan Part1(日本の魅力を世界に発信 Part1)

We talked about “Spread whatever you want across the world” last week. And My Eyes Tokyo held the event called “Open Mic Night” the following day. Thank you very much for coming in to join us!


*当日の熱いトークバトルの様子はこちらから。You can watch the session on Ustream from here! *only in Japanese.

Then now it’s November. Leaves will begin to turn red soon. Autumn color of leaves are very beautiful, so we would like to discuss the “promoting charms/beauties of Japan to the world” with you for a few week.
We told you the things that Japanese people want to promote and ones that are attracted by foreigners. Are there any differences between those two groups?


Here’re the results of our survey.
My Eyes TokyoのFacebookページやメールで行ったアンケートの結果をご紹介しましょう。

<What Japanese people want to promote to the world. 日本人が紹介したいモノ>
1. 食(Food)
2. 伝統芸術/芸能/工芸品(Traditional art/entertainment/crafts)
3. 自然(Nature)
4. 建築物(Buildings)
5. アニメ/マンガ(Anime/manga)

<What foreigners are attracted to. 外国人が惹かれるモノ>
1. Travel & Hiking in Japan(日本国内の旅行やハイキング)*ユーザーが追加した選択肢 Facebook users added this option.
2. People(人)
3. Traditional arts/crafts(伝統)
4. food(食)
5. Night life(夜遊び)*ユーザーが追加した選択肢 Facebook users added this option.

I expressed my view on the radio a little bit, but how do you think about these results? Also what should we do for promoting Japan to the world?


Cultural Day in the Philippines フィリピンの”文化の日”
November 3 was the “Cultural Day” in Japan. But there is the Cultural Day in the Philippines, too! It’s not a national holiday and its date differ from school to school, but all school kids learn the cultures of each country. Students introduce not only their culture but also other cultures, and they do waring ethnic costumes! They have to learn a lot about each cultures so it’s a very good chance for them to learn about foreign countries. Arlene did it at a local private school and Maya did it at an international school in Manila.
On the other hand, I (Tokuhashi) don’t have that kind of experience at all in Japan. My Eyes Tokyo wants every school in Japan to provide an opportunity to get familiar with diversity to children in Japan.

方や日本生まれ・日本育ちのドメスティック野郎の徳橋は、学校でこのようなことを話し合ったことはゼロです。My Eyes Tokyoとしては、日本の学校でもこのような試みをもっともっと行ってほしいな〜と勝手に思っております。

Mikimoto Pearl’s Chiristmas tree ミキモト・ジャンボクリスマスツリー
 Christmas tree (Dec. 2010) 去年のクリスマスツリー。

A Christmas season is around the corner. How time flies! And a big Christmas tree is highlighting the street of Ginza soon! Mikimoto Pearl will put up a 10-meter-high Christmas tree in front of their headquarters at Nov.12 (Sat) and it’ll be lit up until Dec. 25 (Sun). A tree-lightning ceremony will start at 4:15PM on Nov.12 and kids’ gospel group will sing Christmas songs.
Mikimoto is located near Ginza 4-chome Crossing, in front of Matsuzakaya Department Store (It’s also close to the Apple Store Ginza).



Let your voice be heard!(自分を世界に発信するということ)

We are holding the let-your-voice-be-heard event tomorrow night at Social Energy Cafe (Kyodo, Setagaya-ku)!

For more info, see this page! *We told you that it’ll start from 630PM, but actually it’s starting at 6PM. John Matthews, a reporter who covers the issues in Japan for several media organizations like NPR, will perform tomorrow!

So we talked about “spreading what you want to say across the world” this week. Now we can do it via blogs or SNS for granted, but it was almost impossible only 10 years ago, like when 911 occurred. If blogs and SNS were available at that time, many people must’ve posted what they saw or what they felt. Those made us possible to transmit what’s happening around their rooms or towns and those could become hot topics.
Everybody can be a sender or media. That phenomenon is assisted by the appearance of YouTube and Ustream.

I think it is a human nature to tell what you think to others and human beings have waited for this moment since the Lascaux Age. My Eyes Tokyo will progress with the help of SNS.
自分の思いを伝えたいと思うのは、人間の本能。「ラスコーの壁画」は、そうした本能の現れだったはずです。もしかしたら、人類はこの瞬間をずっとずっと、待っていたのかもしれないとすら思います。そしてMy Eyes Tokyoは、SNSの力を借りながら、これからも大きく飛躍したいと思います。

The origin of Halloween 知ってる?ハロウィーンの起源
Maya explains the origin of Halloween. I learned it for the first time!

Autumn Ginza 2011
Autumn festival in Ginza, the heart of Tokyo.
秋の銀座を彩るイベント「Autumn Ginza 2011」が行われます。日本語の情報はこちらをどうぞ。

● Gincha-kai: Enjoy tea ceremony on Ginza Avenue (1PM – 4PM Oct.30).
● Ginza Restaurant Week (Oct.29 – Nov.6): Luxury lunches & dinners for special prices.
● Visiting 9 shrines in Ginza & stump collection challenge (Nov.3  – Nov.6 12PM – 4PM on each day)
● Ginza Design Forum Symposium (Oct.31 3PM – 5PM) *in Japanese.
…and more!


How computers & Internet changed our life?(コンピューターやインターネットはどのように私たちの生活を変えたか?)


We’ve talked over the Internet world twice on this program so far, but were given only a few minutes for each session. Also Steve Jobs, former Apple CEO, has passed away on Oct.5, so we thought it would be a good opportunity for us to appreciate the rich Internet world which was created by great figures including Jobs. So we chose it as this week’s theme.

先々週まで番組後半で「グーグル後のインターネットの世界」というテーマで2回ほどトークをしてきましたが、各回とも3分くらいの時間しか与えられず、不完全燃焼で終わっていました。そこへきて、コンピューター界の巨人、アップル創設者で前CEOのスティーブ・ジョブス氏の訃報が飛び込みました。私たちは、ジョブス氏を含めたインターネット界の偉人たちに敬意を払うべく、主にSNS(ソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービス)を番組のメインテーマに持ってきて、どのSNSを普段使っているか、また、どのように生活を変えたのかについて、My Eyes Tokyoファンの皆様を対象としたアンケート結果も交えながらお話ししました。

Internet trends in Japan seem to be a little bit different from the ones in the rest of the world. For example in Japan, Yahoo is more popular than Google, Mixi is more popular than Facebook.

However according to My Eyes Tokyo’s survey, Facebook is the most popular SNS among people, followed by Twitter, Mixi, Google+, YouTube and Netlog.
そこで、ワールドワイドな人脈を誇る(!)My Eyes Tokyoが「普段使っている、または以前使っていたSNSは何ですか?」と聞いてみたところ、①Facebook ②Twitter ③Mixi ④Google+ & YouTube ⑥ Netlogの順でした(Netlogはベルギー発祥のSNSで、主にヨーロッパで人気)。

Twitter and Mixi are the same in that users’ anonymity is protected. Also some say that Twitter is popular in Japan because tweeting is like haiku, a very short form of Japanese poetry. Also 140-letter Japanese sentences can convey more things than 140-letter English ones. We think that’s also the secret of its popularity.

What’s more, our director’s opinions on “Why Mixi is more popular than Facebook in Japan?”;
1. Mixi can be used both on mobiles and smartphones.
2. One of the first Japanese SNS is “2 Channel”, which is a completely anonymous world. That might be the reason why Japanese people have familiarity with anonymity.

① スマートフォンだけでなく携帯からでも使える。
② 日本でのSNSのはしりは2ちゃんねるで、匿名制の最たるもの。 そこから始まりmixiにつながったので、日本人は実名制のFacebookにいまいち馴染めないのではないか。

We think those make some sense, but what do you think? Shall we discuss “Using real names or other names in the Internet world, which do you prefer?”?

My Eyes Tokyo Open Mic Night! オレたちの声を聞け!オープンマイクナイト!

 We’ll give you an opportunity for speaking whatever you want in front of people at the event called “Open Mic Night” at Social Energy Cafe in Kyodo, Setagayaku. Look at this page for more details.


中央区まるごとミュージアム Chuo-ku Entirely Museum
Chuo-ku is endowed with cultural environment such as noted places, historic sites, art galleries, museums of art and watersides. So the whole town is like a big museum and actually “Chuo-ku Entirely Museum” will be held the end of October!

● 日時/Date & Time:10月30日(日)午前9時〜午後5時 9AM – 5PM on October 30 (Sun)
● 開催場所/Enforcement place:中央区全域 Whole area of Chuo-ku

無料のバスや船が区内を走ります!Buses & treasure boat services will be available for free!
文化イベント盛りだくさん!*事前予約が必要なイベントもあります。詳しくは中央区文化・生涯学習課文化振興係 03−3546−5345まで。
A lot of cultural events! *Prior reservation is necessary depending on event. Ask Culture & Lifelong Learning Division of Chuo-ku City hall: 03-3546-5345


Inspired Green Living from Japan Pt2(日本のエコを世界に発信 パート2)

We had Reina Otsuka, an evangelist of Japanese eco-friendly lifestyle, as a guest. We heard from her why she established Ecotwaza and her future dream. Hit the player button above and listen to her voice. Also read her interview article on My Eyes Tokyo website!
She wants Japan to be the country where attracts people from all over the world. That’s exactly the same as our goal…
今週も、先週に引き続き日本のエコの伝道師、株式会社エコトワザ 代表取締役の大塚玲奈さんをお迎えし、会社立ち上げに至るまでの経緯や、これからのビジョンや夢をお聞きしました。

So we hope we would be able to work on a project with her someday!

●All about Reina & Ecotowaza…
My Eyes Tokyo Interview w/ Reina Otsuka

●ラジオでは語り尽くせなかったこと、まだまだたくさんあります!『My Eyes Tokyo』大塚玲奈さんインタビュー:

※ Green products are available at eco+waza Online Shop
※ グリーンな品々はモノがたりショップ にて。

Inspired Green Living from Japan Pt1(日本のエコを世界に発信 パート1)

We’ve talked over “What’s your favorite Made-in-Japan product?”. We asked only non-Japanese people about their favorite Japanese products, and their answers varied. But the most popular thing was “Food/cuisine”, then “Anime/Manga”, “Clothes”, “Electronics”, “Traditional crafts”, “Traditional performing arts” and “Cars/Bikes” followed.

先週は、日本/海外問わずNon-Japaneseの方々に「あなたの好きなMade in Japanは?」というテーマで広くアンケートをいただきました。その結果「和食」がトップに入り、以降「アニメ・マンガ」「服」「電気製品」「ゲーム」「伝統工芸」「伝統芸能」「車・バイク」と続きました。

But I think there is something Japan should be much proud of. That’s “Nature”. Nearly 70% of the land in Japan is mountains and forests and there is a long tradition of nature worship here. Also our ancestors had overcome many natural disasters and they cultivated how to live with nature.
That means Japanese should have their particular view of nature, or the “Japanese eco-friendly lifestyle”. There is a young Japanese woman who’s been transmitting it to the world. Reina Otsuka, CEO of “Ecotwaza”, which can be called a “missionary” for Japanese eco-friendly way of life.


Otsuka got a company started in 2006, during her career with Recruit, a classified advertisement, publication and human resources company in Japan. And she started to devote herself to her own company in 2007. Magazine publication was her starting point, not online. That’s kind of unusual for a young entrepreneur.
Then she opened an Internet shopping site, which sells eco-friendly products made by Japanese craftsmen or alternative energy such as wind-power generation.

大塚さんは2006年、リクルート在籍中に会社を立ち上げ、2007年にエコトワザに専念。今の若い起業家には珍しく、出発はウェブではなく雑誌でした。それから2008年に、日本の職人さんの手によるものや、風力発電など代替エネルギーを使った環境に優しいMade in Japanの品々の海外向け販売を開始しました。

Otsuka introduced you to some goods. First of all, “Naked Pan”. It’s made from Nambu Iron, which is mined in Iwate Pref. in the Tohoku Region. That pan is totally uncoated (that’s why it’s “Naked”) and you can cook much better by using it!

番組の中で、いくつか商品をご紹介いただきました。まずは「Naked Pan」。

Also now they have “Acrylic scrubber” as a feature. it was made by the earthquake victims in Miyagi Pref. Otsuka went to the devastated areas and held workshops to share how to make it with victims. Then Otsuka bought tons of scrubbers from victims and sold.  Small, cute & colorful scrubbers are really popular among people across the world. Each scrubber has a name tag .


*Article of “Hana Project”, which is for bridging the quake-stricken areas and us :

Ecotwaza deals with products that are created by well-established companies in Chuo-ku! Tenugui (facecloth) created by “Chikusen” in Nihombashi. It began operation in 1842, about 170 years ago.


Thank you very much for listening, and please join us again next Saturday! Otsuka will join us again. She’ll talk about her life story and what she (& Ecotwaza) is aiming at.


*eco+waza Online Shop -Japanese Eco-Products Store-


eco+waza magazine(雑誌「エコトワザ」)