How computers & Internet changed our life?(コンピューターやインターネットはどのように私たちの生活を変えたか?)


We’ve talked over the Internet world twice on this program so far, but were given only a few minutes for each session. Also Steve Jobs, former Apple CEO, has passed away on Oct.5, so we thought it would be a good opportunity for us to appreciate the rich Internet world which was created by great figures including Jobs. So we chose it as this week’s theme.

先々週まで番組後半で「グーグル後のインターネットの世界」というテーマで2回ほどトークをしてきましたが、各回とも3分くらいの時間しか与えられず、不完全燃焼で終わっていました。そこへきて、コンピューター界の巨人、アップル創設者で前CEOのスティーブ・ジョブス氏の訃報が飛び込みました。私たちは、ジョブス氏を含めたインターネット界の偉人たちに敬意を払うべく、主にSNS(ソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービス)を番組のメインテーマに持ってきて、どのSNSを普段使っているか、また、どのように生活を変えたのかについて、My Eyes Tokyoファンの皆様を対象としたアンケート結果も交えながらお話ししました。

Internet trends in Japan seem to be a little bit different from the ones in the rest of the world. For example in Japan, Yahoo is more popular than Google, Mixi is more popular than Facebook.

However according to My Eyes Tokyo’s survey, Facebook is the most popular SNS among people, followed by Twitter, Mixi, Google+, YouTube and Netlog.
そこで、ワールドワイドな人脈を誇る(!)My Eyes Tokyoが「普段使っている、または以前使っていたSNSは何ですか?」と聞いてみたところ、①Facebook ②Twitter ③Mixi ④Google+ & YouTube ⑥ Netlogの順でした(Netlogはベルギー発祥のSNSで、主にヨーロッパで人気)。

Twitter and Mixi are the same in that users’ anonymity is protected. Also some say that Twitter is popular in Japan because tweeting is like haiku, a very short form of Japanese poetry. Also 140-letter Japanese sentences can convey more things than 140-letter English ones. We think that’s also the secret of its popularity.

What’s more, our director’s opinions on “Why Mixi is more popular than Facebook in Japan?”;
1. Mixi can be used both on mobiles and smartphones.
2. One of the first Japanese SNS is “2 Channel”, which is a completely anonymous world. That might be the reason why Japanese people have familiarity with anonymity.

① スマートフォンだけでなく携帯からでも使える。
② 日本でのSNSのはしりは2ちゃんねるで、匿名制の最たるもの。 そこから始まりmixiにつながったので、日本人は実名制のFacebookにいまいち馴染めないのではないか。

We think those make some sense, but what do you think? Shall we discuss “Using real names or other names in the Internet world, which do you prefer?”?

My Eyes Tokyo Open Mic Night! オレたちの声を聞け!オープンマイクナイト!

 We’ll give you an opportunity for speaking whatever you want in front of people at the event called “Open Mic Night” at Social Energy Cafe in Kyodo, Setagayaku. Look at this page for more details.


中央区まるごとミュージアム Chuo-ku Entirely Museum
Chuo-ku is endowed with cultural environment such as noted places, historic sites, art galleries, museums of art and watersides. So the whole town is like a big museum and actually “Chuo-ku Entirely Museum” will be held the end of October!

● 日時/Date & Time:10月30日(日)午前9時〜午後5時 9AM – 5PM on October 30 (Sun)
● 開催場所/Enforcement place:中央区全域 Whole area of Chuo-ku

無料のバスや船が区内を走ります!Buses & treasure boat services will be available for free!
文化イベント盛りだくさん!*事前予約が必要なイベントもあります。詳しくは中央区文化・生涯学習課文化振興係 03−3546−5345まで。
A lot of cultural events! *Prior reservation is necessary depending on event. Ask Culture & Lifelong Learning Division of Chuo-ku City hall: 03-3546-5345


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