Let your voice be heard!(自分を世界に発信するということ)

We are holding the let-your-voice-be-heard event tomorrow night at Social Energy Cafe (Kyodo, Setagaya-ku)!

For more info, see this page! *We told you that it’ll start from 630PM, but actually it’s starting at 6PM. John Matthews, a reporter who covers the issues in Japan for several media organizations like NPR, will perform tomorrow!

So we talked about “spreading what you want to say across the world” this week. Now we can do it via blogs or SNS for granted, but it was almost impossible only 10 years ago, like when 911 occurred. If blogs and SNS were available at that time, many people must’ve posted what they saw or what they felt. Those made us possible to transmit what’s happening around their rooms or towns and those could become hot topics.
Everybody can be a sender or media. That phenomenon is assisted by the appearance of YouTube and Ustream.

I think it is a human nature to tell what you think to others and human beings have waited for this moment since the Lascaux Age. My Eyes Tokyo will progress with the help of SNS.
自分の思いを伝えたいと思うのは、人間の本能。「ラスコーの壁画」は、そうした本能の現れだったはずです。もしかしたら、人類はこの瞬間をずっとずっと、待っていたのかもしれないとすら思います。そしてMy Eyes Tokyoは、SNSの力を借りながら、これからも大きく飛躍したいと思います。

The origin of Halloween 知ってる?ハロウィーンの起源
Maya explains the origin of Halloween. I learned it for the first time!

Autumn Ginza 2011
Autumn festival in Ginza, the heart of Tokyo.
秋の銀座を彩るイベント「Autumn Ginza 2011」が行われます。日本語の情報はこちらをどうぞ。

● Gincha-kai: Enjoy tea ceremony on Ginza Avenue (1PM – 4PM Oct.30).
● Ginza Restaurant Week (Oct.29 – Nov.6): Luxury lunches & dinners for special prices.
● Visiting 9 shrines in Ginza & stump collection challenge (Nov.3  – Nov.6 12PM – 4PM on each day)
● Ginza Design Forum Symposium (Oct.31 3PM – 5PM) *in Japanese.
…and more!


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