American loves Japanese soul beat Pt.2(和太鼓Loveなアメリカン パート2)

Chris Holland, a member of the taiko troupe called “Amanojaku“, one of the world’s most respected ensembles, joined me again this week. I had a talk with him about his roots of the linkage with Japan. Hit the play button above and learn about his great journey from Denver to Japan.

先週に引き続き、アメリカ人イケメン和太鼓奏者、「太鼓集団 天邪鬼(あまのじゃく)」所属のクリス・ホランドさんにお越しいただきました。今週は主に、和太鼓奏者としてのルーツ、クリスさんと日本とのつながりについてお話をお聞きしました。クリスさんの一言一言を、わりと忠実に(?)日本語にしてお伝えしたつもりですので、上の再生ボタンを押してお聴きください。

And I heard about the places in Chuo-ku, where he’s been to. He mentioned about Ginza, Tsukiji and Nihombashi. Especially as for Ginza, there’s the main shop of the tonkatsu restaurant chain called “Ginza Bairin“. It has a restaurant in Hawaii and he used to work there as a part-timer. When he was 20, he went to Ginza because he wanted to have the real deal. He says meals are not so expensive, you can have free refills on rice and shredded cabbage! So let’s go eat delicious tonkatsu together!


For more info of Amanojaku, such as concerts & lives, check this out or mail to
「太鼓集団 天邪鬼」コンサート情報はこちらにて。ブックマークして日々チェックしてみてくださいね。特に代表の渡辺洋一先生が登場するライブには、万難を排してでも行く価値ありです!またはinfo@amanojaku.infoで直接お聞きになってみてください。


<Information for Chuo-ku residents! 中央区の皆さまに情報です>
This year’s last session of Chuo-ku International Exchange Salon is coming soon!

(Time & Date 日時) 1:30pm – 3:30pm on Dec 17 (Sat), 2011 12月17日(土)午後1時半〜3時半
(Place 場所) Chuo City Government, Shintomi Annex 3rd floor 中央区役所 新富分庁舎3階
(Theme テーマ) Japanese New Year Games 日本のお正月の遊び
(Admission fee 参加費) Free *By Appointment Only 無料(要予約)

See for more details.


American loves Japanese soul beat Pt.1(和太鼓Loveなアメリカン パート1)

I’ll be the only host of this program until the beginning of next year. I’ll have a wonderful person as a guest every week and bring you the great shows!

So a guest for this week and next week is…

Chris Holland, an American Taiko drummer. He is a member of a taiko troupe called “Amanojaku“, which literally means “contrary person” or “a person who goes against the grain of society”. Amanojaku has tried to stay away from trends and pursued something deeper.
Chris is from Denver, Colorado. He first saw taiko drumming at age 1 or 2 at a bon-odori site in Denver. Later he grabbed “bachi” (drumstick) when he was an elementary school kid and has been playing taiko since then.
アメリカ人の和太鼓奏者で、”太鼓集団 天邪鬼(あまのじゃく)”所属のクリス・ホランドさんです。クリスさんはアメリカのコロラド州デンバーのご出身。1歳か2歳くらいの頃に太鼓に出会い、小学生の頃に太鼓を自分で習い始めたとのこと。それから現在に至るまで打ち続けています。

“Taiko is part of my life. Taiko is how I express myself as a human.Taiko is part of me. I like music, but taiko is something more than that.”
“You don’t have to have taiko. Even if the world didn’t have taiko, the world would be fine and no one would die. But something which is unique to human beings is ability to express ourselves. I have the opportunity to express my own humanity, express my own human experience. The way the life worked out is, for me, that became taiko.”

Chris performing on the stage (front left) クリスさん@新宿紅布(手前左)*ライブの詳細はこちら

Click here and enjoy the powerful rendition by “Taiko Shudan (troupe) Amanojaku”, which is led by Yoichi Watanabe, the taiko master.
クリスさんが師と仰ぐ渡辺洋一先生率いる”太鼓集団 天邪鬼”のド迫力の演奏は、こちらにてご覧になれます。魂を揺さぶる響きをご堪能ください。

In the next session, I’ll bring you the story of his journey to Japan. So don’t miss it!


Spreading Tokyo’s real fashion around the world!(東京のリアルなファッションシーンを世界に発信!)

Tonight we had Elizabeth Ishiyama as a guest again, and another wonderful woman joined us!

Sayuki, a Japanese R&B singer & model. Also she is an MC of the video called “Tokyo Fashion Buzz” and interview girls, hair dresser and manicurist.
R&Bシンガー/モデルのSayukiさんです!エリザベスさんが制作に参加しているビデオ『Tokyo Fashion Buzz』でMC&インタビューをしています。*Sayuki’s website:

*放送でお送りしたSayukiさんの『OMG』、大人の事情によりオンラインではお聴きいただけないのです・・・なのでこちらでおすそわけしますね。You can listen to her song called “OMG” which we played on the show tonight here!

“Tokyo Fashion Buzz” portrays the Tokyo’s real fashion scene through the interviews. Sayuki told me (Tokuhashi) that she tried to hear from girls who are in many kinds of clothes.
この『Tokyo Fashion Buzz』は、広告やブランドに全く左右されない、素の東京のファッションシーンを伝えていこうということで、第1弾はガールズファッション。渋谷や原宿などで気になった女性に声をかけ、彼女たちのファッションポイントをインタビューしていきます。しかもひとつのタイプに偏ることなく、なるべく幅広いファッションスタイルを伝えることを心がけたと、Sayukiさんは言っていました。

*撮影の様子はこちらに詳しく載っています。Behind the camera… look at this article!

This video will finish soon and it’ll be available on “”. We’ll tell you as soon as it completes on this blog.
ビデオの一番最後はガールズトーク!男子必見?(笑)いえいえ、一般男子だけでなく、ファッション業界に携わる世界中の人たちに向けて放つTokyo Fashion Buzz、もうすぐ完成です。そして、こちらも制作中? でビデオクリップをダウンロードできるそうです。楽しみにしていましょう!完成の一報が入り次第、このブログでもお伝えしますね。


Unexpectedly popular Japanese stuffs in the world!(これが世界で人気の日本商品!?)

We had Elizabeth Ishiyama, who’s been providing Japanese products & services to the rest of the world for 8 years, as a guest tonight.

She’s always looked for the “unique” items that are available only in the place where she is. Those are really popular in the world, but we would like to tell you the unexpectedly popular goods that you might be surprised at.

Firstly, a cupper brass plate which sits in the ground in front of Hachiko Statue in Shibuya!

If you go with a large piece of washi (Japanese paper) and use a black crayon, you can get a really spectacular impression. Those are so popular among people who’ve been in Japan.

Secondaly, an “ema” board. Elizabeth sends a blank ema board to the customer and he/she writes his/her wishes on it. She receive it and hang it in a shrine. She takes a photo of it and send to a customer. People pay for that service!

Other than those, items regarding bento (lunch box) and Japanese traditional candies are ever-popular, she says.

How about anime goods? – she doesn’t deal with them because; 1. Those are not so unique because those are sold all over the world. 2. Most of anime fans are young and they don’t really have money. 3. Anime market is too small.

And she says there are tons of jewels in a certain area here in Japan. That’s the next week’s topic so don’t miss it!
では、エリザベスさんが今注目しているJapanese Productは?番組の一番最後でも少し話していますが、それが来週のテーマです。もう一人、素敵な方をお招きしますので、どうぞお聴きくださいね!


Promoting the charms of Japan Part2(日本の魅力を世界に発信 Part2)

We learned that there are differences between the Japanese things that Japanese people want to spread across the world & the ones that people in the rest of the world are attracted to through MET’s survey (Click here to read & listen!).
So we thought, “What happens if non-Japanese would promote Japanese culture?” – Let us show you some examples.

先週の放送では、日本人が海外に伝えたい日本のモノ vs 外国人が惹かれる日本のモノについてお伝えしました。前者と後者では、かなりの違いが見受けられました(その内容はこちらから)。
それなら・・・ということで、My Eyes Tokyoは考えました。「海外に日本のモノをプロモートしたいのであれば、いっそ外国人にそれを託すとどうなるのか?」今回はその事例をご紹介します。

Tokuhashi had 2 kinds of “flavored tea”. One is grape-flavored one, another is a winter tea called “Noel Noel”, which includes green tea, red tea, citrus, herb, cinnamon etc.


 Noel Noel ノエルノエル



You can hear what they felt about the taste of those. Click the play button above and listen!

Those flavored teas are sold at “Ocharaka“, a tea shop in Kichijoji. The owner is Stephane Danton from France. Originally he was a wine sommelier, but he came up with an idea of “flavored Japanese green tea” when he was working at a French tea shop in Aoyama, Tokyo. Then he opened his own shop in 2005.



Stephane teaching how to make tea well. おいしいお茶の入れ方を伝授するステファンさん

Ocharaka served their flavored teas at Zaragoza Expo in 2008. They made teas with Spanish water there, not with Japanese water. Maybe Japanese – of course including Tokuhashi – would make teas with Japanese water even if we would have to bring tons of water from Japan. But Stephane said, “Spanish people usually drink Spanish water, so we made teas with it”. This idea comes from one of those who look at Japanese culture objectively.


You can find this kind of “Half-Japanese, half-Western compromise” in many places here. For example, Arlene mentioned about “Wasasco” (wasabi + tabasco) and Maya introduced “Ice cream tempura (Fried ice cream)”. Also we introduced you to Daian Kichijitsu, a British rakugo performer/balloon artist. Performing rakugo in English is similar to enhancing flavors on green tea leaves… that’s MET’s opinion.



*Interview with Stephane Danton: Click here!


Let’s go to see the colorful autumn leaves! 紅葉狩りに行こう!
Arlene introduced some spots where you can enjoy autumn leaves. Such as;
● Mt. Takao(高尾山)
● Hakone Sculpture Forest(箱根彫刻の森)
● Outer Garden of the Meiji Shrine(明治神宮外苑)
Also you can enjoy golden ginkgo leaves that fill the streets of Matunouch or Ginza. And Maya added Yuzawa, Niigata Prefecture, where is well-known as a ski spot!

So Let us ask you… Where’s your favorite leaf-viewing spot?

Tokyo Illumilia 東京イルミリア
Sakura Street, which runs from Tokyo Station Yaesu Exit to Nihombashi Takashimaya Department Store, will be highlighted by the incorrupt illuminations from Nov. 18 (Fri) until February 14, 2012! Many events will be held during the period.

東京駅八重洲口〜日本橋高島屋まで続くさくら通りが、イルミネーションストリートとして生まれ変わります!期間は11月18日〜2012年2月14日、何と来年のバレンタインデーまで、中央区のメインストリートが清廉な光に包まれるのです。これは行かなくちゃ〜♪ 期間中は様々なイベントも行われます。詳しくはこちらにて。