My Eyes Tokyo renewed!

*You can listen to our talk! Click the player above.

Hi everyone, our radio show is renewed today! Isao Tokuhashi san, a main host of My Eyes Tokyo, who’s been talking to you since last April, is still here with us.

Let us introduce ourselves. We’re Irene Kuroda (Left) and Maya Fujimura (Right), the ECC’s English instructors who operate a classroom in Tsukishima (ECC Junior Tsukishima Daiichi Shougakkou Mae Classroom). Tokuhashi san met us on referral from his friend and got on famously with each other because what Tokuhashi san wanted to do and what we wanted to do were almost the same. So we joined his project… but we didn’t imagine that we would join his radio show!!!… But anyway, we would like to provide useful info regarding our daily lives in Tokyo or Japan.

Today we talked about mainly our mission and vision. After 3.11 earthquake, many foreigners were worried about many things such as aftershocks, radiations, vegetables, water etc. We think that it happens because of lack of information. In Japan, most of media report in Japanese and a few foreign presses transmit what’s happening to foreigners in their languages after struggling language barrier. But some of them write articles by guess so people get worried unnecessarily.

That’s when My Eyes Tokyo really comes into play. Both of us are bilingual or trilingual so we can translate info provided in Japanese into English (and even Tagalog). Now we have Facebook and Twitter account so you can check info regarding your daily lives in English. Of course this program will be very useful for you because this is aired in English and Japanese.
Also don’t forget our new website which will launch in May. It’s an online open forum which you can write down your questions or anything related to Tokyo or Japan in 10 languages. For more details, listen to the podcast below.

Useful info for Everybody, we are always close to you. Thank you very much for your listening!

<Tonight’s info>
1. Dial 171.
It’s required when communication traffic to the devastated areas increases and it is difficult to get through.
For more info, visit

2. Free entrance to Hamarikyu Garden for Chuo-ku residents.
Only from April 2, 2011 to May 6, 2011. Take advantage of this opportunity to see the famous, beautiful cherry blossoms and flowers in Hamarikyu!
Go to (*Japanese), print out this page, cut off the central portion (dotted square), divide it into pieces (one apiece), fill out a form and bring it to the garden window.
*People who visit the garden by water-bus are exempt.


今日まで、そして明日から(Adieu and setoff)

Tonight was the final session of My Eyes Tokyo! We’ve had 37 people from 16 countries/areas so far. Such as; US, Russia, Philippines, Italy, Switzerland, S.Korea, Belarus, Colombia, Ukraine, India, Sudan, Taiwan, Mainland China, Palestine, Venezuela and a refugee. Do you know any other program which hear foreigners’ voices as much as we did? We’ve tried to transmit how those who came from abroad look at Japan and how they feel about their daily lives here to a maximum extent.

今週は、最終回でした。ロシアの歌姫・エカテリーナさんと私、My Eyes Tokyo主宰の徳橋が、昨年4月3日から51回にわたってお送りしてまいりましたこの番組、今日で一旦終了です。
数えてみたら、この1年の間に、何と37人もの方々にこのスタジオにお越しいただいたことが分かりました!出身国別に見ると、外国人の声を集めると言っておきながら、日本人が13人と一番多いのですが(汗)それでもMy Eyes Tokyoは国際的な番組だったと自負しています。

Ekaterina has delighted people, not only our guests but also the staff members, with her naturally mischief. She worked as a bridge between foreigners and Japanese.


そんな外国人の声を日本一(?)集めて来た番組『My Eyes Tokyo』は、来週4月9日から変わります!日本語中心だったこれまでの放送が、英語と日本語のバイリンガル放送になります。でも私自身は英語にそれほどの自信が無いので、強力な助っ人をお招きすることにしました。区内月島在住で、”ECC月島第1小学校前教室”で英語を教えられている、黒田アイリーンさんと藤村麻椰(まや)さんです。

Left: Arlene Kuroda Right: Maya Fujimura

Ekaterina, such a wonderful mediator, passed a torch to super-talented women. My Eyes Tokyo will be hosted by Arlene Kuroda and Maya Fujimura.
Arlene is from the Philippines and she’s been in Chuo-ku for 20 years. She speaks fluent English/Japanese (and of course Tagalog). As for Japanese skills, she can write and read as well as native speakers.
Maya is Japanese, but she was born in Philippines and get her education at mainly international schools so she says she’s better in English than Japanese. But I don’t think so… Her Japanese skills are almost the same as native speakers’. Arlene and Maya have been operating an English school in Tsukishima, Chuo-ku.
They were planning to deliver useful information to foreigners in Japan. When they met me, something flashed on them.

そして黒田さんは、同僚の藤村さんにMy Eyes Tokyoのお話をし、俄然興味を持ちました。お2人も私と同じように、日本に住む外国人のために情報を提供する事業を始めたいと思っていたそうです。そんな2人に私がアプローチした。My Eyes Tokyoが、本格的な共同事業に変わる瞬間が、ついに訪れたのです。

詳しくは来週の新番組の中でお話ししますが、My Eyes Tokyoは彼女たちの多大なる協力を得て、一方向からの配信に過ぎなかったインタビューウェブサイトから、双方向のオンラインフォーラムへと変化を遂げる予定です(今年5月)。それに伴い新バージョンのラジオ『My Eyes Tokyo』は、このフォーラムをベースにしたものへと変わっていきます。そして番組を「日本人のため」から「外国人のため」に大きく舵を切るために、英語が堪能なお2人に「ラジオで話してください!」と声をかけました。

Thank you very much for your big, big effort!

My Eyes Tokyo will be a bilingual program aired in English/Japanese from April 9, 2011. Ekaterina left the studio, but of course My Eyes Tokyo will welcome her anytime! I’ll be a host of the renewed My Eyes Tokyo, too. So please stay with us!


Ekaterina san, thank you very, very much!!!!


また会いましょう!(See you again!)

Thank you very much for listening, thank you very much for supporting us! I left My Eyes Tokyo but I’ll sing songs for all the listeners. Also I’ll sing for the earthquake victims.
I’ll be back to the studio as a guest anytime, so please keep on listening to My Eyes Tokyo!
*As for my fashion show which will be held on June 6 (Mon), please look at

今週で、私が出演するMy Eyes Tokyoは終わります。本当は今日、私の第3回目となるコンサート&ファッションショーのご報告をしたかったのですが、残念ながらできませんでした。6月6日(月)に延期になったからです(詳しくは をご覧下さい)。


地震は、確かに辛いです。でもその辛い中に、良いことが見えました。今はそれが何なのかうまく言えませんが、 6月6日のショーでは、是非そういうことも話していきたいし、伝えていきたいと思います。「悪いことって、100%悪いことばかりじゃないよ。その中に必ず、良いことがあるんだ」今回の地震は、私にそう教えてくれたのです。

With new hosts of My Eyes Tokyo. 新旧パーソナリティが集結!
