This Is My Life Part2(これが私の生きる道! Part2)

We had Mari Hamada (Hamamari) as a guest again this week. She manages her own website called “Nadeshiko Voice” which contains interviews with active women abroad, mainly live and work in Asia.


 NadeshikoVoice via kwout

*You can listen to our previous talk session from here!

Tonight’s points are;
1. Even though she cannot speak English fluently, she went around 22 countries.
2. She started to think she wanted to get married and have kids through the 70 interviews with active woman abroad.

1. 英語がそれほど流暢だったわけでもないのに、22カ国を旅して回った。
2. 海外で活躍する女性70人から話を聞いて、よけいに結婚して子供を生みたいと考えた。

But what do you think about the women’s working environment in Japan? Hamamari’s friends also ran up against this kind of wall. We’ll have a questionnaire about this issue on Facebook later.


She’s interviewed 70 women so far, only in 6 months! And now she is planning to complete the 100 interviews with women by the end of March and she’ll start to work at the company from this coming April.


Hit the play button above and learn more about her!

We learned a lot from her so we’ll keep on going without hesitation!

<Chuo-ku Information>
Old map exhibition “Nihonbashi & 5 major highways”
You can learn how Chuo City has evolved since Edo Period. It’s currently been shown at Mitsukoshi-mae Station (along the concourse) until Jan 29 (Sun).

「地図展 日本橋と五街道」
江戸から現在に至るまでの貴重な地図や写真約150枚を展示。日本橋、銀座、築地、新橋、神田などまちの移り変わりがわかる【地図で見る日本橋】五街道の道筋を江戸から現代まで地図で見ることができる【地図で見る五街道】 など、様々な展示があります。

Also check out & join in the club called “My Eyes Tokyo Radio Club” on metters when you have time!
そしてお時間のございます時に、趣味のSNS「metters」にある”My Eyes Tokyo Radio Club” をチェキラ&参加よろしくお願いします!

This Is My Life Part1(これが私の生きる道!パート1)

Arlene and Maya are back to studio tonight!


And we had one more wonderful girl! She is Mari Hamada (her nickname is “Hamamari” so we called her like that).

Hamamari manages her own website called “Nadeshiko Voice” which contains interviews with active women abroad, mainly live and work in Asia. She’s interviewed more than 70 women both in Japan and overseas, even though she started the project last June. That means she talked to about 70 women only in 6 months!


We asked her what made her tick. She said, “I wanted to know how I would be able to work abroad. That’s my motivation.” Before she opened the website, she looked for the information regarding
working in strange lands. She could’t find anything, so she started to find women who build their carriers by themselves both in Japan and foreign countries.


She’ll go to Southeast Asia this March and interview people there. Maya recommended her mother who manages some bakeries and restaurants in the Philippines as an interviwee! She’ll join us again next week and talk about what she learned through the 70 interviews.


MET’s new SNS called “metters” has been launched! It connects people through Bukatsu, or club activities, which means you can find or gather people who have the same/similar hobbies or interests.



You can create any kind of club. Our show also has the club called “My Eyes Tokyo Radio Club“. We would like you to join it if you are interested in talking on the radio or sharing your activities around the world via MET radio. Of course you can join us if you love our show! Then hopefully we would like to see you!

この番組のクラブもあります。”My Eyes Tokyo Radio Club” です。ラジオで話してみたい人、自身の活動を世界中に広めたい人、そしてもちろんこの番組が好きな人、ぜひ部活にご参加ください!そして、近いうちにリアルに会いましょう!

Year in & Year out(MET的ゆく年くる年)

A Happy New Year 2012! We hope that the New Year will bring you good luck and happiness.

My Eyes Tokyo asked this guy a help tonight!

John Matthews, a professional reporter for NPR! He helped us last summer. Do you remember that?

*Interview article of John Matthews:

First of all, we looked back at the year 2011 tonight. Of course 3.11 is the unavoidable problem for all of us. John went to Tohoku including Fukushima and Sendai as a volunteer or a journalists over 10 times. He revealed a surprising episode so take a listen to it by hitting the play button above.

And we expressed our goals in 2012. We shared an ambition of a man who manages a sushi restaurant called “Nadeshiko Sushi”, which are staffed almost entirely by female sushi chefs. But we couldn’t tell you others’ wishes so let us share them with you here.
*We’re terribly sorry that Tokuhashi pronounced Nishikiori’s company as “Prodigy”, but actually it is called “Profity”. We’re very sorry for the mistake.

番組後半は、リスナーの皆様や私たち2人の「2012年 今年の抱負」をお伝えしました。時間の関係もあって、リスナーさんからはお一人のご抱負のみをお伝えするに留まりました。秋葉原にある、板前さんが全員女性のユニークなお寿司屋さん「なでしこ寿司」を経営している、錦織和也さんの今年の抱負です。ページトップの再生ボタンを押してお聴きください。


<From an American woman living in Chiba 千葉県に住むアメリカ人女性より>
My personal goal for 2012 will be to maintain my health and become more successful than this year (2011) in the educational field. As well as become a new home owner.

<From a Mexican man who’s been to Japan 来日経験のあるメキシコ人男性>
For next year (2012), I have a wish that people from all over the world get along better with each other and that violence stops, life is so beautiful as it is; and also I wish that I can make it again to visit exciting  Tokyo.

And what My Eyes Tokyo will do is… launching SNS!
そしてMy Eyes Tokyoの抱負ですが・・・SNSの立ち上げです!

We’re creating a place where you can connect with others through “Bukatsu” (Club activities). That means you can interact with people through hobbies or interests. Our goal is to contribute to have the society which all of us can feel comfortable whoever we are and wherever we are.
My Eyes Tokyo’s original SNS called “metters” will be built very soon!

My Eyes Tokyoが2012年、世に送るSNSの名前は「metters」。もうすぐデビューですので、しばしお待ちください(恐らく再放送の前には立ち上がっているはずです)。

We’re looking forward to your continued support! 今年も宜しくお願い申し上げます。

<Information for foreign residents in Chuo-ku>
There are 8 Japanese classes in Chuo-ku.
・CCIEA Wednesday class: Only for beginners/630pm – 8pm/at Bouquet 21
・CCIEA Thursday class: Only for beginners/10am – 1145am/at CCIEA
・CCIEA Saturday class: Only for beginners/10am – 12pm/at CCIEA
*CCIEA: Chuo Cultural and International Exchange Association Website

・Nihongo Otasuke-tai: For beginners & intermediates/7pm – 830pm on Mondays/at Nihonbashi Shakai Kyoiku Kaikan
・Nihongo Communication Partner: Only for beginners/7pm – 830pm on Tuesdays/at Shintomi Kuminkan
・Tsukishima Nihongo Club: For beginners & intermediates/10am – 12pm on Tuesdays/at Tsukishima Shakai Kyoiku Kaikan
・Ginza Nihongo Class: Only for beginners/10am – 1130am on Wednesdays/at Tsukiji Shakai Kyoiku Kaikan
・Nihongo Seikatsu: Any level/2pm – 330pm on Saturdays/at 5th floor of Rainbow House Akashi

Call CCIEA at 03-3297-0251 for more details.

Open to the world, strengthen links with the world Pt2(世界に開かれ、世界とつながる社会を目指して パート2)

Tonight show was the last one in 2011, an incredibly turbulent year. A lot of affairs occurred, but we can’t be happier if tonight show healed your weariness and we could spend a romantic Christmas Eve with you.
今週は、激動の2011年最後のMy Eyes Tokyoでした。本当にいろいろあった1年でしたが、今夜の放送が番組をお聴きの皆さんの疲れを癒すことができたなら、そしてロマンチックなクリスマスイブに私たちもお供させていただけたなら、これ以上の喜びはありません。

We had Tomoe Ono, a representative of ASIA Link, again this week.
ゲストは先週に引き続き、柔らかい語り口が印象的なASIA Link代表の小野朋江さんです。

The source of her activities, especially working as a “bridge” between foreign students and small businesses in Japan, is a her life in Finland. She moved there 10 years ago because her husband got an opportunity to research at a local university.
She didn’t understand the language at all, so she had difficulty with even daily shopping. “Foreigners are forced to live such a brutal life” she thought that for the first time in life.
6 months after she got to Finland, she entered the Finnish class. She found a nursery school for her son (That means it took 6 months for her to find it because of the language barrier) and gained a little freedom from child rearing.
Then a lot of information came into her. She said that she finally could become a “resident” there. “As soon as I learn the language, my life has totally improved!” Ono thought that and she qualified as a Japanese instructor after she came back home.
Before she went to Finland, she worked at a music publisher. She steered her life in a totally different direction after only one year life in the foreign country.

She had her 4th child last year and took off from her teaching job. Then she established a private organization called “Network for Multicultural Society, TAMA” which supports foreign mothers who live and raise children in Tama Area.

多文化共生ネットワークたま via kwout
Website of Network for Multicultural Society, TAMA

Foreign mothers are easy to be isolated from society and become information have-nots due to the linguistic handicap. Ono had the same experience in Finland. So their mission is to provide them both information in their daily lives and opportunity to play leading roles in their neighborhood.
Ono heard foreign mothers’ voices and studied community business in parallel. Then she established ASIA Link this October.
She emphasized that mothers are really appropriate to the entrepreneurs because they learn what people need through their real lives.

I asked her after the show.
“What is ASIA Link’s goal?”
She answered;
“To create a tolerant society which accepts diverse values and both Japanese and foreigners can be active together.”
I was really touched. Because that’s exactly the same as My Eyes Tokyo’s goal. So we would like to help create the society here in Japan at full power with ASIA Link!

「ASIA Linkが目指すものは、何ですか?」
感動しました。だって、My Eyes Tokyoが目指すものと全く同じなのですから。ですので来年は、小野さんならびにASIA Linkさんと共に、このような社会に日本が近づいていくお手伝いに、全力で取り組んで参りたいと思います!


Thank you very much for listening to our program in 2011. My Eyes Tokyo’s first session in 2012 will start at 7pm on Jan.7 (Sat) and Arlene and Maya will be back to studio on Jan.14, 2012. We’ll really appreciate it if you continue to listen to our show next year.
We believe that the year of 2012 will be a year of progress for My Eyes Tokyo. And our very best to you all.

来年はMy Eyes Tokyoにとって真の飛躍の年になると確信していますが(!)皆様にとっても素晴らしい年になることを、心よりお祈り申し上げます。

Happy holidays & A Happy New Year! See you again at 7PM on January 7 (Sat), 2012!!

Open to the world, strengthen links with the world Pt1(世界に開かれ、世界とつながる社会を目指して パート1)

This year’s last guest of My Eyes Tokyo is Tomoe Ono, a representative of ASIA Link!
今年最後のゲスト、ASIA Link代表の小野朋江さんです!

ASIA Link works as a “bridge” between foreign students and small businesses in Japan. We also want to be a bridge between foreigners and Japanese, so we would like to learn from them.
Ono started business in October 2011. It’s still like a tottering infant, but had an event called “ASIA Link Cafe” in November 2011, only a month after she established business. 10 company people and 10 foreign students (from China, S.Korea, Thailand and Sri Lanka) gathered at the venue in the suburb of Tokyo.

小野さんが代表を務めるASIA Linkは、外国人留学生と日本の中小企業との「橋」となって、双方をつなげるマッチングビジネスを行っています。本当に、My Eyes Tokyoがお手本とさせていただきたい方です。
今年10月に事業を始められたばかりですが、翌11月に早くも「ASIA Link Cafe」というイベントを行いました。この日は中小企業関係者10名、外国人留学生10名(中国・韓国・タイ・スリランカ)が三鷹産業プラザに集結しました。


They put themselves in the mind of entrepreneurs and had a lot of discussions in the workshop about the company which they wanted to work for.
After their presentations, they had a get-together in a relaxed atmosphere. Students and company people talked with each other very closely. Maybe you wouldn’t see that closeness at usual employment-explanation meetings.


The reason why she became a “bridge” between foreign students and small businesses is that she felt something when she was a Japanese instructor. She had taught the language to the students mainly from Asian countries for 8 years, and she learned;

● There’s strong discrimination and prejudice against Asian students, compared to the one directed at Western students. They get questioned by the authorities because they draw suspicion as illegal residents. It’s difficult for them to rent apartments or work at fashionable shops.
● Students who come to Japan want to work at Japanese companies. But their job huntings go wrong because of lack of information. Unfortunately many foreign students left Japan.

Ono couldn’t do anything for those issues because those were not her specialized fields at that time. When she felt irritated, she had a fourth baby. Even though it was hard for her to work outside the house, she wanted to continue to work. But she came up with an idea.
“I’ll create jobs in my neighborhood and solve the societal challenges!” Then she decided to start business and support foreign students. She rewrote her business plan over and over again and took counsel from financial organizations. Then she devised the business matching between foreign students and small companies. Her idea fitted the environment surrounding them.

● Only 20% of foreign students can get jobs with companies in Japan. Because they tend to want to work at big corporations, they apply for fewer company entrance exams compared to Japanese students. Also companies are anxious about hiring foreigners.
● 99% of companies in Japan are small businesses that are not well-known among foreign students. And they feed their ways into overseas market.
● Companies’ targets are Asian countries which continue the growth of their markets.

Ono wanted to support mainly students from Asia and companies that aim at Asian countries. That’s why she put “ASIA” on her company’s name.

The 2nd session of her project “ASIA Link Cafe” will be held soon!
そんな小野さんがプロデュースする、留学生と企業の出会いの場「ASIA Link Cafe」第2弾が行われます!

(Date & Time 日時)630pm – 930pm Dec.22 (Thu) 12月22日(木)午後6時半〜9時半
(Place 場所)Mitaka Sangyo Plaza 三鷹産業プラザ7階 *地図はこちら
(Applicants 対象)10 company people/20 foreign students 中小企業関係者10名 外国人留学生20名
(Participation fee 参加費)Free 無料
No-host get-together will be held after the event. Company people: ¥2500  Students: ¥1000
*会費制の懇親会があります。中小企業関係者:2500円 留学生:1000円

Ono will tell you about her another activity, which is to support foreign mothers. Also she’ll share some romantic episodes that are perfect for the Christmas Eve. The next session will be the last one this year, so don’t miss it!!

来週は、小野さんのもうひとつの活動である「外国人ママ」支援事業についてお聞きします。小野さんご夫婦の絆を深めた、ロマンチックなエピソードも教えちゃいます♪ 今年最後の放送ですので、どうかお聴き逃しの無いように!