This Is My Life Part2(これが私の生きる道! Part2)

We had Mari Hamada (Hamamari) as a guest again this week. She manages her own website called “Nadeshiko Voice” which contains interviews with active women abroad, mainly live and work in Asia.


 NadeshikoVoice via kwout

*You can listen to our previous talk session from here!

Tonight’s points are;
1. Even though she cannot speak English fluently, she went around 22 countries.
2. She started to think she wanted to get married and have kids through the 70 interviews with active woman abroad.

1. 英語がそれほど流暢だったわけでもないのに、22カ国を旅して回った。
2. 海外で活躍する女性70人から話を聞いて、よけいに結婚して子供を生みたいと考えた。

But what do you think about the women’s working environment in Japan? Hamamari’s friends also ran up against this kind of wall. We’ll have a questionnaire about this issue on Facebook later.


She’s interviewed 70 women so far, only in 6 months! And now she is planning to complete the 100 interviews with women by the end of March and she’ll start to work at the company from this coming April.


Hit the play button above and learn more about her!

We learned a lot from her so we’ll keep on going without hesitation!

<Chuo-ku Information>
Old map exhibition “Nihonbashi & 5 major highways”
You can learn how Chuo City has evolved since Edo Period. It’s currently been shown at Mitsukoshi-mae Station (along the concourse) until Jan 29 (Sun).

「地図展 日本橋と五街道」
江戸から現在に至るまでの貴重な地図や写真約150枚を展示。日本橋、銀座、築地、新橋、神田などまちの移り変わりがわかる【地図で見る日本橋】五街道の道筋を江戸から現代まで地図で見ることができる【地図で見る五街道】 など、様々な展示があります。

Also check out & join in the club called “My Eyes Tokyo Radio Club” on metters when you have time!
そしてお時間のございます時に、趣味のSNS「metters」にある”My Eyes Tokyo Radio Club” をチェキラ&参加よろしくお願いします!

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