外国人のお家で料理を習おう①(Cooking with foreigners! Pt1)

We introduce you to a very unique cooking school. It’s called “Niki’s Kitchen”, which runs about 30 classes mainly in the Kanto area. All of its teachers are foreigners and  classes are held at their houses.
I read an article about this school in a Japanese weekly magazine a couple of months ago. I got attracted to its idea that Japanese learn a variety of “home-style dishes” from foreigners because you can learn their cultures on a profounder level. I thought that international understanding will be improved if it has more students… I really sympathized its idea so I asked Naoko Tanase, a representative of Niki’s Kitchen, to have interviews with us.

You can learn various kinds of cuisines including Israeli, Egyptian, Colombian, Iranian and Moroccan. If you want to learn more about Niki’s Kitchen, listen to a rerun (Nov. 4, 2:30PM-) or look at the interview page of My Eyes Tokyo website!

*Interview with Naoko Tanase & Niki’s Kitchen; http://www.myeyestokyo.com/aboutus/interview/pg66.html

今週と来週にわたり、とってもユニークな料理教室をご紹介ます。東京や神奈川を中心に、”外国人の自宅を教室に、そこに住む外国人を先生に”した料理学校「Niki’s Kitchen」です。 私がこの料理教室の存在を知ったのは、『AERA』(朝日新聞社刊)という雑誌でした。今年7月19日号に「食欲も語学欲も満足」というタイトルで、デンマーク出身の先生のクラスの様子を軸にNiki’s Kitchenがどのような学校なのかが記されていました。それを偶然読んだ私は、「外国人からその国の”家庭料理”を学ぶ」というコンセプトに惹かれました。家庭料理は、その国の文化の中でも一番深い所にあるものです。それを外国人から直接学ぶことは、すごく深いレベルでの文化交流なのではないか。ここで料理を学ぶ人が増えたら、楽しんでいるうちに国際理解が進んでいくのではないか・・・そう思った私は、Niki’s Kitchen主宰の棚瀬尚子さんにインタビューならびに当番組へのゲスト出演を交渉しました。 今まで数多くの錚々たるメディアに取り上げられてきたNiki’s Kitchenですが、主宰の棚瀬さんは名も無き私の突然の申し出にも、快く応じて下さいました。

現在は東京・神奈川・埼玉・千葉、そして大阪に、約30の教室を持つNiki’s Kitchen。欧米やアジア各国の料理はもちろん、珍しいところだとイスラエル、エジプト、コロンビア、イラン、モロッコの家庭料理が学べます。ただ残念ながら、中央区内には教室がありません。 一番近い所でお隣の港区になります(イスラエル料理、デンマーク料理)。中央FMのある茅場町から行きやすい教室は、日比谷線広尾駅近くのイスラエル料理と、東西線南行徳駅近くのモロッコ料理です。

番組でのトークは、My Eyes Tokyoでの棚瀬さんインタビューと重なる部分がかなりありますので、詳しくはそちらをどうぞ。しかも最後までお読みいただくと、来週の予習ができます(笑)
*棚瀬尚子さんインタビュー; http://www.myeyestokyo.com/aboutus/interview/taidan/pg15.html

「中央区に教室がない・・・」そう聞いたエカテリーナさんは、ちょっと興奮気味でした。Niki’s Kitchenさんには、意外なことにロシア料理教室も無いのです。ということは、エカテリーナさんの目の前には大いなるフロンティアが広がっているわけですが、さてその運命はいかに?続きは下のエカテリーナさんブログでどうぞ!

料理の先生になります!(I’ll be a cooking teacher!)

… for just one day. I’ll open a school at the facility called “Josei Center Bouquet 21” near Hatchobori Station on December 4 (Sat). I’ll teach you how to cook Russian cuisine in a big room and several video cameras will be installed. I would like you to join my class!

If my class earns a reputation, am I going to work for Niki’s Kitchen as a cooking instructor? I heard that there is no Niki’s class in Chuo-ku and moreover they have never had any Russian cuisine teacher so far!

But no worries, I won’t quit singing. So don’t forget my fashion show on this coming Nov. 9!


そして、もしこの料理教室が成功したら、今週と来週ゲストに来てくれるNiki’s Kitchenさんのところで、先生をはじめちゃおうかしら(笑)徳橋さんのブログにも書いてあったように、中央区にはNiki’s Kitchenの教室がないし、しかもロシア料理の先生は今まで一人もいなかったそうなんです!だったら私がやるしかないですよね(笑)でも、それも全て、12月4日にかかっています。


難民の声を聞け(Hear the refugee’s voice)

Today we brought you an authentic voice of a refugee who lives in Japan.

N.Y emigrated to Japan because he attracted the attention of authorities. N.Y joined the huge pro-democracy movement in his country.
The authorities was coming to his house so N.Y escaped to the neighboring country. But pursuers crossed the border.

“I have to go anywhere else because I’ll be killed if I stay here.” Then N.Y’s friend suggested him come to Japan because it’s peaceful and safe. You can walk outside at night, you can speak anything freely in Japan. “Freedom” and “Safe” struck N.Y’s heart.
He decided to come to Japan. Japanese government issued a tourist visa for N.Y. He originally carried a passport so could come here easily.

N.Y got his jobs at some restaurants through the influences of his friends. He secured revenue but spent his days in fear and dread. N.Y was not sure whether he would be recognized as a refugee. If no, N.Y would have to leave Japan. But he was never be able to go home. If he was deported to his homeland, he would be…

Finally he was given official refugee status two years after he applied for it. Now he’s permitted to live here as well as other foreigners.
In Japan, there are many people like N.Y. But on the other hand, there are said to be a few thousand people who are waiting for refugee status. I hope those will also be recognized as refugees.







私の願い(My hopes)

“I want to go back home, but I’ll never be able to do that.” I met a person who said that for the first time in my life. I left my home a long time ago and have been living in Japan. I love to be here and want to live in Japan forever. But I can go back home anytime I want to.
On the other hand, he’ll never be able to go back to his homeland because he could be killed or persecuted there if he did that. What is worse is that his family is still in his country. How sad his story is! I hope that his country will restore a peace as soon as possible.

The theme of my kimono dress fashion show, which will be held on Nov.9, is “Prevent global warming!” But someday I would like to appeal for “world peace” through the show. In order to realize that, I have to study more and meet people more. I want to mature as a person much more enough to deal with such a really big theme.



一風変わったネイルサロン(A unique nail salon)

Today’s My Eyes Tokyo was brought you ladies, who are interested in beauty.
We introduced you to a nail salon in the heart of Tokyo. “Arusha”, which is located near subway Kamiya-cho Station. That salon is very, very unique because it has features like followings;
1) All of its manicurists are foreigners. 2) Most of them are refugees.

Refugees? You might think, “Are there refugees in Japan?” I did think so, too. But Kanako Iwase, a manager of Arusha says there are thousands of refugees in Japan and they live secretive lives. That’s why many people don’t notice them.

If you missed today’s broadcasting, please listen to the rebroadcasted one on Thursday (10/21), 230PM -. Also the website of My Eyes Tokyo now features Iwase and Arusha so look at it if you missed any or live outside Chuo-ku!

*Interview with Kanako Iwase & Arusha;

キレイになりたい女性の皆さんに向けてお届けしました、今夜のMy Eyes Tokyo。都内の超一等地にあるネイルサロン情報でした。



これをご覧下さい→ http://arusha.co.jp/nail/


This is one of refugee manicurists’ works! Those are available at a third of market rate.

残念ながら聴き逃した〜という方、ぜひ木曜日の再放送をお聴き下さいね。中央区以外にお住まいの方は・・・My Eyes Tokyoウェブサイトに、岩瀬さんのインタビューをアップしましたので、放送をお聴きになった方もそうでない方も、ぜひご覧下さい!

*Big Generators #5 岩瀬香奈子さん&アルーシャ