一風変わったネイルサロン(A unique nail salon)

Today’s My Eyes Tokyo was brought you ladies, who are interested in beauty.
We introduced you to a nail salon in the heart of Tokyo. “Arusha”, which is located near subway Kamiya-cho Station. That salon is very, very unique because it has features like followings;
1) All of its manicurists are foreigners. 2) Most of them are refugees.

Refugees? You might think, “Are there refugees in Japan?” I did think so, too. But Kanako Iwase, a manager of Arusha says there are thousands of refugees in Japan and they live secretive lives. That’s why many people don’t notice them.

If you missed today’s broadcasting, please listen to the rebroadcasted one on Thursday (10/21), 230PM -. Also the website of My Eyes Tokyo now features Iwase and Arusha so look at it if you missed any or live outside Chuo-ku!

*Interview with Kanako Iwase & Arusha;

キレイになりたい女性の皆さんに向けてお届けしました、今夜のMy Eyes Tokyo。都内の超一等地にあるネイルサロン情報でした。



これをご覧下さい→ http://arusha.co.jp/nail/


This is one of refugee manicurists’ works! Those are available at a third of market rate.

残念ながら聴き逃した〜という方、ぜひ木曜日の再放送をお聴き下さいね。中央区以外にお住まいの方は・・・My Eyes Tokyoウェブサイトに、岩瀬さんのインタビューをアップしましたので、放送をお聴きになった方もそうでない方も、ぜひご覧下さい!

*Big Generators #5 岩瀬香奈子さん&アルーシャ


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