難民の声を聞け(Hear the refugee’s voice)

Today we brought you an authentic voice of a refugee who lives in Japan.

N.Y emigrated to Japan because he attracted the attention of authorities. N.Y joined the huge pro-democracy movement in his country.
The authorities was coming to his house so N.Y escaped to the neighboring country. But pursuers crossed the border.

“I have to go anywhere else because I’ll be killed if I stay here.” Then N.Y’s friend suggested him come to Japan because it’s peaceful and safe. You can walk outside at night, you can speak anything freely in Japan. “Freedom” and “Safe” struck N.Y’s heart.
He decided to come to Japan. Japanese government issued a tourist visa for N.Y. He originally carried a passport so could come here easily.

N.Y got his jobs at some restaurants through the influences of his friends. He secured revenue but spent his days in fear and dread. N.Y was not sure whether he would be recognized as a refugee. If no, N.Y would have to leave Japan. But he was never be able to go home. If he was deported to his homeland, he would be…

Finally he was given official refugee status two years after he applied for it. Now he’s permitted to live here as well as other foreigners.
In Japan, there are many people like N.Y. But on the other hand, there are said to be a few thousand people who are waiting for refugee status. I hope those will also be recognized as refugees.








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