What’s your favorite made-in-Japan product?(好きなMade in Japanは何?)

Tonight’s theme:
1. What’s your favorite Japanese product?
2. How has the online world changed after Google? (Part1) … Sorry, only a 3-minute talk! It’ll be continued next week.


3 of us got together at the studio tonight and we talked over the Facebook questionnaire about “What’s your favorite Japanese product?” We forgot all about the time so the talk on Google was held only for 3 minutes. Sorry about that!


<What’s your favorite Japanese product? 皆さんの好きなMade in Japanは何?>
As for the Facebook questionnaire, We asked “What is your favorite made-in-Japan product? (*Multiple answers allowed) to Non-Japanese in Japan/overseas. The results were very interesting & unexpected. Please listen to the online broadcast above!

そんな時間を忘れてしまうくらいに3人で盛り上がった話題が「あなたの好きなMade in Japanは何?」です。日本/海外在住問わず「日本人以外」の人に広く聞いていきました。ご協力してくださった皆さん、ありがとうございます。この集計結果については、ぜひブログトップにあるプレイヤーにてお聴きください。かなり意外な結果になりましたよ!

Then we’ll have a young entrepreneur as a guest next week! Reina Otsuka, CEO of “Ecotwaza”. It sells Japanese eco-products that are made by Japanese craftsman on its internet shopping site. Also she spreads “Japanese eco-friendly lifestyle” around the world. If you have a question to her, send us a mail to voice@fm840.jp, Fax to 03-3668-2770 or Twitter DM to @metonradio. Thanks!


*Ecotwaza: http://greenjapan.com/


<Internet world after Google. グーグル後のインターネットの世界(Part1)>
In the second half – only for 3 minutes -, we talked about the recent Internet years because Google, the Internet giant, marked its 13th anniversary recently. Then the internet world has dramatically changed!. Many kinds of SNS have emerged, such as Facebook, Twitter, Gree and Mixi.
In Japan, Yahoo is still more popular than Google, Mixi is more popular than Facebook. Why? … Time’s up! So we’ll continue to talk on this theme next week.

今日のお話はFacebookとmixi…というところまで行きましたが、タイムアップです。来週はSNSのお話を中心に、METとSNSの関わりについても触れられたらと思いますので、 どうぞお聴きください。


<Chuo-ku Sports Event! 中央区民スポーツの日>
At the end, Arlene shared Chuo-ku info with you. She told about the big sports event, which will be held on October 10 (Taiiku No Hi, Health Sports Day). Free kick, trampoline, marathon and so on… Enjoy sweating!



日本のコンテンツはどうして世界の人々の心を掴めたのか?(Why Japanese contents have been attracting people across the world?)

We… NO! Tonight we had no Arlene and no Maya. So “I” had 2 topics tonight.
1.Why Japanese contents have been attracting people across the world?
2. Vietnamese Festival 2011.

今夜、徳橋一人で日本語とお粗末な英語で(汗)お送りしたMy Eyes Tokyo、主に2つのトピックについてお伝えしました。

2.    ベトナムフェスティバルに行ってきました!


<Why Japanese contents have been attracting people across the world? 日本のコンテンツはどうして世界の人々の心を掴めたのか?>

We’ve talked over “Too many rules in Japan?” with you for a few weeks and we concluded that there seem to be a lot of “unspoken rules” rather than clear laws in Japan. But on the other hand, Japanese contents have been attracting people across the world.
So we asked people ”Why do you think those things have the world captivated?” on Facebook. That was the topic of the first half. We introduced some opinions tonight, so hit the play button above and  be open to what they said.

これまで2週にわたって「日本は規則が多い?」というテーマで話し合ってきました。そして私たちMy Eyes Tokyoがたどり着いた一応の結論は「日本に多いのは明文化された規則というよりは、明文化されていない”暗黙の了解”が多いのではないか?」でした

What do you think? Your comments are still very, very welcome!


Vietnam Festival 2011 @ Yoyogi Park! ベトナムフェスティバル@代々木公園

 Photo by Masayuki Abe(撮影:阿部将之さん)

The Vietnam Festival, the biggest Vietnam-related event in Japan, was held at Yoyogi Park on September 17 (Sat) & 18 (Sun). It was perfect weather for the outdoor festival, It was very, very hot, there were many food stalls, food was really yummy and I enjoyed cool music there!
And I interviewed Mr. Yoichiro Aoyagi, the Planning Committee Bureau Chief of the Vietnam Festival. Please listen to his voice and feel his passion for the event.

 青柳氏にインタビュー Interview with Mr. Aoyagi.

国内最大のベトナム関連イベント「ベトナムフェスティバル2011」が9月17日(土)18日(日)の2日間行われました。このフェスティバルの実行委員会事務局長の青柳陽一郎さんは、今年5月に行われた同じく代々木公園で行われた震災チャリティーイベント「Pray For Japan」でも実行委員長をされていました。今回もインタビューをご快諾いただき、このイベントに賭けた思いなどをお聞きしました。お忙しい中ありがとうございました!ぜひページトップにあるプレイヤーにてお聴きください。


<第4回 My Eyes Tokyoトークイベント「外国人の声を聞くということ」>*日本語のみ
・このような活動は、誰から必要とされるのか?そもそも必要とされるのか? etc.

Arlene and Maya will be back next week! Thank you for listening!


Are there too many rules in Japan?(日本は規則が多すぎる?)Part2

We had 2 topics tonight.
1. Are there too many rules in Japan? (2nd session)
2. Japanese anime cartoons that Arlene watched in her childhood in the Philippines.

今夜、My Eyes Tokyoは主に3つのトピックについてお伝えしました。


<Are there too many rules in Japan? 2nd session 日本は規則が多すぎる?2回目>

We introduced the poll result on Facebook. Options for the answers were  “YES” “YES, but acceptable” and “No”. And the most popular answer was “YES, but acceptable”. Out of that, 55% who answered were Japanese and 45% were foreigners.
Why did they choose that option? Hit the play button above and find the reasons for it.

この問いに対する回答は「YES」「YES, but acceptable」「No」の3種類を用意。
その中で一番多かったのは・・・「YES, but acceptable」でした!

Out of those who answered “YES”, 80% were foreigners! But we introduced an opinion from a Japanese woman who married a French guy. Please listen to her opinion above!


More than 60% of those who answered “No” were Japanese. Please listen to their opinions above!


What do you think? Your comments are still very, very welcome!


Japanese anime cartoons that Arlene watched in her childhood in the Philippines. アイリーンが子ども時代に見たアニメ

Tokuhashi wondered why many Japanese media contents and products such as anime have been attracting people across the world, even though there are said to be many rules or “anmoku-no-ryokai” (Unwritten rules) here.
So we’ll change to another topic “Japanese contents that have the world captivated” the week after next.  Tonight’s talk is a prelude to get on to the subject.


Have you heard this song? まずは、これをお聴きいただきましょう!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5oniErmeuE

It’s a theme song of “Star Blazer”, the Filipino version of the Japanese famous anime. Arlene thought that this anime was made in the US. Each character had a Western name even though they are Japanese.
「Star Blazer」!日本でのタイトルは・・・言わなくてもお分かりですね!アイリーンさんはこのアニメがアメリカのものだと思っていたとのこと。登場人物の名前も全て欧米風になっていたそうです。

Also many other Japanese animes were broadcasted in Philippines.
「ガッチャマン」→ 「G-force」
「リボンの騎士」→「Princess Knight」などなど・・・

What anime did you watch in your childhood in your country?


<Chuo-ku information from Arlene! 中央区の耳より情報です
「晴海 晴っ呼(はるっこ)秋まつり2011」@晴海トリトンスクエア 

Harumi-Harukko Autumn Festival 2011 @ Harumi Triton Square from Sept.30 (Fri) to Oct.2 (Sun). They will have a fair of cheese and raw ham, character shows, recycle markets, a community fair, performance stages. And don’t forget! Arlene’s hip-hop dance team also will perform on the stage!

9月30日(金)〜 10月2日(日)
・縁日 (10月1日・2日)

Arlene and Maya will take a day off next week! 来週はアイリーンさんとマヤさんがお休みです。徳橋一人でのトークに挑戦いたします!


Are there too many rules in Japan?(日本は規則が多すぎる?)Part1

We had 3 topics tonight!
1. Are there too many rules in Japan?
2. What were you doing at the moment of 9.11?
3. Differences between Hurricane, Cyclone and Typhoon.

今夜、My Eyes Tokyoは主に3つのトピックについてお伝えしました。
2.9.11の瞬間、あなたはどこにいましたか – 私たち3人の場合 –


<Are there too many rules in Japan? 日本は規則が多すぎる?>
We introduced 2 opinions. First of all, a comment from an American man;
“I think every society has its rules. Japan has certain rules that are not found in Western countries such as bowing when greeting someone, using polite languages (keigo) toward superiors and taking off shoes before entering a room. There are rules which can fill up a whole book for using chopsticks. Unlike in other Asian countries, it is considered proper to slurp ramen noodles while eating them. In the former, no noise is permitted.”


Another comment from a Swiss woman;
“In daily live, I don’t think so. In a business environment, the hierarchy with senpai/kohai can be tireing, but at the same time I don’t mind the use of Keigo as it is a part of culture. What I see as most disadvantages are the rules and regulations that exist to bring into Japan new technology, pharmaceutical products or medical devices. In order to protect local industry, the general public is willing to accept outdated medical or pharmaceutical practices. Just check the drug, vaccine or instruments related to checking the wellbeing at hospitals.”


What do you think? Your comments are very, very welcome. We’ll continue to talk on this topic next week.



<What were you doing at the moment of 9.11? 2001年9月11日、あなたはどこで何をしていましたか?>
3 of us told you about our 9.11 episodes after we played the song called “Wake Me Up When September Ends” by Green Day. Tokuhashi have already told what he was doing in the morning on September 11, 2001 before. Look at http://fm840.jp/blog/myeyestokyo/?p=1016. What did you do at the moment of 9.11? Where were you then?

Green Day「Wake Me Up When September Ends」の後に、私たち3人の911エピソードをお伝えしました。まずマヤですが、その瞬間はフィリピンの日系企業にてミーティング中で、お父様より電話で第一報をうけました。ご友人が世界貿易センタービルの近くにお住まいだったそうですが、幸いご無事でした。

… And we should not forget that tomorrow is a 6-month anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
でも、もうひとつ忘れてはならないこと… 明日は東日本大震災からちょうど半年の節目の日です。


<Differences of Hurricane, Cyclone and Typhoon ハリケーン、サイクロン、台風のちがいは?>
Arlene explained how those are different in Japanese and Maya translated into English. Listen to the show and learn the differences. Did you know that typhoon and taifu(台風)is different?


Then the useful info for Chuo-ku mothers from Arlene; Seminar of “How to raise your babies or kids 「子育てキャンパス 乳幼児期コース」
Mothers can learn about infants and look back at their parental care.

<Place> Tsukishima Shakai Kyoiku Kaikan
<Date & Time> 10:00AM – 11:30AM on 9/30, 10/7, 10/21, 10/28 (Fridays)
<Intended person> Parents who have 1 – 3 year-old child/children.
<Capacity> 25 people
<Fee> FREE.

*Nursery is available.
*Lecture will be delivered in Japanese.

日本語での詳細は  http://www.city.chuo.lg.jp/kurasi/bunka/syogaigakusyu/kateikyoiku/index.html をご覧下さい。


How to make your life more comfortable in Japan(日本で心地よく生活するためのヒント)

You can enjoy listening online broadcasting of our show through to the end from this week! *A little bit blipped.
今週から、 My Eyes Tokyoはオンラインでも最後までお楽しみいただけます! *前半の一部を省略しています。

Have you checked My Eyes Tokyo new website? It’s an information sharing site which launched on Sept.1. You can exchange informations regarding Tokyo or Japan with others on it. If you haven’t visit there yet, see http://www.myeyestokyo.com , sign up for it and join the conversations!
Tonight’s theme was “How to make your life more comfortable in Japan“. We hope that our website could be part of the answer to feel comfortable here.

9月1日にオープンしたMy Eyes Tokyoの新サイト http://www.myeyestokyo.com、チェックしていただけましたでしょうか?もし「まだだよ〜」という方がいらしたら、上記URLからご覧いただけたらと思います。まだまだ改善点が多い当サイト、今もなおWeb Developerさんと2人3脚でいろいろと調整しています。


By the way, we introduced some opinions on this theme. An American woman who lives in Chiba Pref. gave us a wonderful idea.


I don’t think it can be assumed that foreigners are ever 100% comfortable living in Japan. But luckily, I love a challenge.  And everyday life had become a big one. Just getting from one place to another was a huge struggle. Not knowing how to use public transportation or ask for help in the local language made it miserable to step out my door.  The daily ritual of searching for food that is eatable and recognizable by picture alone was kind of fun until I realized the cost for such pitiful portions.


If someone asked me what it takes to be happy and comfortable in Japan, I would say “friends”, “community” and “other people”. Those are the things that make you feel more or less human in any country. Having other people around to share your stories with and your time makes life more comfortable for me in Japan.
So, I suggest newcomers to go out in the community as much as possible and invite people to their homes as much as possible to create a new feeling of home.”



Also a Japanese guy who’s been studying the Turkish language at university unveiled the idea for how to make your life easier in the strange land.


“When I went on homestay in Uganda, I learned at least how to greet in the local language. As soon as I greeted people, they became a lot more friendly and open. Someone actually joked to me like, “Hey, I like you. Why don’t you marry my daughter?”
So I think the language is definitely one important factor to make your life in the strange land more comfortable.


What do you think about those opinions? We’ll really appreciate it if you give us your comments on them. Thank you very much!



*During the second half, we talked about the summer events that we’ve introduced you to or we organized (Yakatabune event!). Please listen to it by hitting a play button above and look back on your summer days.



The planetarium event in Chuo-ku!
There is a planetarium called “Time Dome Akashi”, which is located in front of the St. Luke International Hospital in Akashi-cho (near Tokyo Metro Tsukiji Station). They will have a lecture of ”Meteor shower” FOR FREE from 1PM on Sept.11, 2011.


*More details on Chuo  City homepage:
http://www.city.chuo.lg.jp/event/culture/2pra23/index.html (Japanese)
