あれから9年①(Nine years have past since 911 Pt1)

Where were you at the moment of 911 attacks? What were you doing at that moment?
I was in a countryside of California, the US. I woke up and went to a bathroom to take a shower. I turned on a radio which was put near the bathroom window. Then I heard that a reporter said that a local airport was closed.
I thought that something happened near my house. I turned off a shower and went to the living room. My roommate was staring at a TV footage. I watched it and I was absolutely appalled at an improbable sight. I remember the moment as if it were yesterday. I will never forget what I saw even though I was not at the scene.


Then today, we marked nine years since the attacks so we had a guest for the day. Hector Sierra from Colombia, a representative of the NGO called “Artists Without Borders”. He flew to New York in December 2001 and stayed there until February 2002.
Hector did some workshops at two elementary schools in NYC. One is located 900 meters away from the 911 site and another is located only 500 meters away from the Ground Zero.
So kids at those schools witnessed the attacks closer than any people in the world. Hector asked kids to draw their town but all of them drew pictures of the moment of 911 or black-painted World Trade Center.

911テロからちょうど9年を迎えた今日、私たち『My Eyes Tokyo』は再びコロンビア出身、NGO「国境なきアーティストたち」代表のエクトル・シエラさんをゲストにお招きしました。エクトルさんはテロ発生の3ヶ月後、2001年12月に東京からニューヨークに飛び、翌2002年2月まで現地に滞在しました。

However they didn’t regard persons who attacked buildings with enmity at all. Also no students wanted to beat the September 11 mastermind. I saw it as a a sign of hope. Also their WTC pictures whitened gradually while they drew the buildings over and over again.
They are supposed to be hi-schoolers, university students and working people now. What did they think about today?


Hector will come to our studio again next week and tell us what he saw in the post-911 Afghanistan. So don’t miss it!



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