How to make your life more comfortable in Japan(日本で心地よく生活するためのヒント)

You can enjoy listening online broadcasting of our show through to the end from this week! *A little bit blipped.
今週から、 My Eyes Tokyoはオンラインでも最後までお楽しみいただけます! *前半の一部を省略しています。

Have you checked My Eyes Tokyo new website? It’s an information sharing site which launched on Sept.1. You can exchange informations regarding Tokyo or Japan with others on it. If you haven’t visit there yet, see , sign up for it and join the conversations!
Tonight’s theme was “How to make your life more comfortable in Japan“. We hope that our website could be part of the answer to feel comfortable here.

9月1日にオープンしたMy Eyes Tokyoの新サイト、チェックしていただけましたでしょうか?もし「まだだよ〜」という方がいらしたら、上記URLからご覧いただけたらと思います。まだまだ改善点が多い当サイト、今もなおWeb Developerさんと2人3脚でいろいろと調整しています。


By the way, we introduced some opinions on this theme. An American woman who lives in Chiba Pref. gave us a wonderful idea.


I don’t think it can be assumed that foreigners are ever 100% comfortable living in Japan. But luckily, I love a challenge.  And everyday life had become a big one. Just getting from one place to another was a huge struggle. Not knowing how to use public transportation or ask for help in the local language made it miserable to step out my door.  The daily ritual of searching for food that is eatable and recognizable by picture alone was kind of fun until I realized the cost for such pitiful portions.


If someone asked me what it takes to be happy and comfortable in Japan, I would say “friends”, “community” and “other people”. Those are the things that make you feel more or less human in any country. Having other people around to share your stories with and your time makes life more comfortable for me in Japan.
So, I suggest newcomers to go out in the community as much as possible and invite people to their homes as much as possible to create a new feeling of home.”



Also a Japanese guy who’s been studying the Turkish language at university unveiled the idea for how to make your life easier in the strange land.


“When I went on homestay in Uganda, I learned at least how to greet in the local language. As soon as I greeted people, they became a lot more friendly and open. Someone actually joked to me like, “Hey, I like you. Why don’t you marry my daughter?”
So I think the language is definitely one important factor to make your life in the strange land more comfortable.


What do you think about those opinions? We’ll really appreciate it if you give us your comments on them. Thank you very much!



*During the second half, we talked about the summer events that we’ve introduced you to or we organized (Yakatabune event!). Please listen to it by hitting a play button above and look back on your summer days.



The planetarium event in Chuo-ku!
There is a planetarium called “Time Dome Akashi”, which is located in front of the St. Luke International Hospital in Akashi-cho (near Tokyo Metro Tsukiji Station). They will have a lecture of ”Meteor shower” FOR FREE from 1PM on Sept.11, 2011.


*More details on Chuo  City homepage: (Japanese)



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