Earthquake experience by a visually impaired person(視覚障害者と地震)

Today we brought you an interview with a visually impaired person from Sudan. Mohamed Omar Abdin, the head director of CAPEDS (Committee for Assisting and Promoting Education of the Disabled in Sudan). It’s a Japan-based non-profit organization which supports the education for the disabled in Sudan.
In March 2011, right before the 3.11 Earthquake, we welcomed Mai Namiki, CAPEDS secretary general, to our studio and heard about their organization.→ Click!
Then finally we could hear the voice of its representative.

Click the player above and learn about his earthquake experience! He talks in Japanese but Arlene translates his words into Japanese in between. He has studied in UK before but he prefers to speak Japanese than speaking English.

BTW, Abdin’s wife gave birth to a baby right in the middle of the aftershocks. A baby was born on March 25, 2011 but her mother had to be prepared for the delivering right after the earthquake. He’ll tell you about the story of “earthquake, childbirth, lost in translation experienced by the visually impaired”  So don’t miss it next Saturday on July 2!

*CAPEDS’ official website:


今日は視覚障害を持つスーダン人男性をゲストにお迎えしました。モハメド・オマル・アブディンさん、「スーダン障害者教育支援の会」(CAPEDS)の代表理事を務めています。この”CAPEDS”は、日本を拠点にスーダンの視覚障害者の方々に点字板を送ったり、パソコンの読み上げソフトの使い方の指導、最近では視覚障害者の方々にも可能な”ブラインドサッカー”の普及に努めています。詳しくはこちらをご覧下さい(2011年3月17日放送 ゲスト:CAPEDS 事務局長の並木麻衣さんとのトークです)。


ちなみにアブディンさんには奥様と、お生まれになったばかりのお子さんがいらっしゃいます。「生まれたばかり」・・・つまり震災後の大混乱の時期に、奥様がご出産をご経験されたのです。しかもダンナさんは目の見えないスーダン人です。来週は「震災と出産とLost in Trasrarion」をテーマに、さらに深くお話を掘り下げてお聞きする予定ですので、どうぞお聴き逃しなく!!!!


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