Fireworks in Tohoku & Dealing with oversized garbage(東北で花火 & 粗大ゴミ処理)

Do you know that the fireworks will be going off on the same day, at the same time in Tohoku? Young Japanese guys in Tokyo are planning to do that involving local people in Tohoku. The project called “Light Up Nippon”. Click a player above and learn more about what it is.

● Light Up Nippon (English page) :

Fireworks will be in the sky above; Yamada-machi, Otsuchi-cho, Kamaishi-shi, Sanriku-cho (Ofunato-shi), Rikuzentakata-shi in Iwate Pref & Iwaki-shi in Fukushima Pref. This project will be held from 7PM on August 11 (Thu) in those towns and cities.

The earthquake induced a mood of self-control among us. But fireworks are originally set off to commemorate the dead so we must not refrain from firework by reason of its floridness.
They’ve been collecting contributions for covering more areas. You can donate online but the page is written only in Japanese. So what non-Japanese speakers can do is to make more people aware of this project. Of course we support this project, too!

この夏、東北で一斉に花火が上がります!「東北を、日本を、花火で、元気に」をスローガンに、8月11日(木)夜7時に東北の各地で同時に花火を打ち上げるプロジェクト「Light Up Nippon(ライト・アップ・ニッポン)」が行われます。

● Light Up Nippon:


より広域でのプロジェクト実施のため、Light Up Nipponでは寄付を募っております。 から「募金申し込み」をクリックして必要事項を記入の上、寄付の手続きをお願いします。またシステムなどの制約により、海外からの寄付を受け付けられない状況だそうで、そのため募金のページは日本語のみとなっています。もし皆さんに外国人のご友人やお知り合いの方がいらしたら、寄付の仕方を丁寧にお教えいただければと思います。



*東京都環境整備公社 家電リサイクル受付センター:03−5296–7200

Then we brought you another useful info. Maybe many foreigners in Japan have been struggling with oversized garbage (sodai-gomi). Click a player above and learn how to deal with large items (from 12’25).

CAUTION: 4 major home appliances, which are air conditioners, TV sets, refrigerators/freezers, and washing machines cannot be picked up as oversize garbage. If you are replacing those items with new ones, ask the store where you are buying the new one to collect the old one. If you only need to dispose of the old one and don’t know where the item was purchased, contact your local authority and ask about an appropriate procedure (residents of 23 wards should contact the Home Appliance Recycling Center).

To dispose of computers, follow instructions on the disposal process given by the manufacturer of your computer. For details about local regulations for garbage categories, collection schedules and recycling systems, contact the garbage collection/recycling authority or department in the ward (or city, town or village) where you reside.

*Home Appliance Recycling Center: (Phone) 03-5296-7200

Tokuhashi took his oversized garbage by taxi to the collection center when he was going to move to another place. Because it took a few days or a week to pick up his garbage. So be sure to apply earlier!

Maya doesn’t have experience of taking out oversized garbage. She just shredded tatami mat or carpet into pieces and threw them out as burnable waste. Also she took apart a small furniture such as a bookshelf and put it in the burnable trash. For a big furniture like sofa, she just posted a little massage board at her apartment, like “Anybody can take it for free!”. Somebody contacted her and came with his/her own truck and picked it up. That’s also a good idea!

We would like to hear your ways of dealing with bulk trashes! 皆さんの”粗大ゴミ体験記” 是非お聞かせくださいね!


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