もうすぐバレンタイン!(St.Valentine’s Day)

We welcomed a lady from Venezuela today. Clara Nakazato, a cooking instructor of “Niki’s Kitchen” who teaches Venezuelan home dishes. Niki’s Kitchen has about 30 classes in Tokyo area and Osaka. Clara gives lessons in Shinjuku-ku.

国生さゆりさんの『バレンタイン・キッス』をBGMにスペイン語とロシア語が飛び交う、そんな国際色豊かな番組、My Eyes Tokyoです(笑)。今週のゲストは再びNiki’s Kitchenさんより、ベネズエラ出身の中里クララさんをお迎えしました。Niki’s Kitchenは、もうこの番組ではおなじみかもしれません。外国人の自宅でその国の家庭料理を学べる、会員登録一切不要の料理教室です。南関東一帯と大阪に教室があり、クララさんの教室は、新宿区内のご自宅です。今日はバレンタインデーの2日前ということで、ベネズエラのバレンタイン・イベントについてお話をお聞きしました。

In Venezuela, men give presents to women. That’s their Valentine’s Day custom.
In her first year in Japan, in February, she saw many women buying chocolates at different department stores. A number of girls were lining up to buy chocolates and she was surprised at it.
And her coworkers told her, ‘buy chocolates, Clara!’. But she wondered why. She understands a girl buys a box of chocolate for her boyfriend because they also buy something for their husbands or boyfriends on that day, but she says she can’t understand why Japanese girls buy chocolates for their bosses or coworkers.
In Venezuela, mainly gentlemen give ladies flowers with messages. They send girls flowers via door-to-door delivery services or bring them to girls directly.
Also men send musicians to their sweethearts. Musicians sing romantic songs for girls. It’s called “Serenata”. She told us that she had much experience of serenata when she was a teenager. But her parents were very upset because she and her sister had two different music bands at midnight. Next day, neighbors came to her and asked, “Who came to sing for you?”.
It shows how much she was popular among boys. Now she receives love from her Japanese husband.


“Pudin de chocolate”(チョコレートプリン)

She is a cooking instructor, so she shares a recipe for the recommended Valentine’s Day dessert with you ladies! It’s called “Pudin de chocolate” (Chocolate pudding).

そんな超モテモテだった、そして今は日本人の優しいご主人にモテモテのクララさんは、先ほども申し上げたようにお料理の先生です。そこでクララさんには、ベネズエラのチョコを使ったバレンタイン・スイーツをご紹介いただきました。「Pudin de chocolate」(チョコレートプリン)です。バレンタインはこれでお目当ての男子をオトそう!みたいな、クララさんオススメのスイーツです。

<Ingredients 材料>
・2 1/2 cups (500cc) of milk *Use whole milk. ミルク 2と1/2カップ(計500CC。全乳を使用)
・3 egg yorks 卵黄3個
・1 tablet of 100g grated chocolate 細かく砕いたチョコレート100g
・1 Tbsp of cocoa powder ココアパウダー 大さじ1杯
・60g of sugar 砂糖 60g
・1/2 tsp vanilla バニラ 小さじ1/2杯
・1 Tbsp of cornstarch or katakuri-ko 片栗粉 大さじ1杯
・Grated chocolate for garnish おろしたチョコレート少々(装飾用)

<Preparation 調理手順>
1. Blend well egg yorks, cornstarch, sugar and vanilla.

2. Melt the chocolate and cocoa powder with a cup of hot milk (about 70C) and join the melted chocolate with the remaining milk. ..

3. Pour some chocolate milk into the blended egg york and mix well, and then pour the rest of milk.

4. Cook the mix in a heavy-bottomed pot over medium heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.

5. When it begins to thicken, remove from the heat.

6. Cool in a large bowl filled with water and  ice, then pour in cups. Take to the fridge.

7. Garnish with grated chocolate when you serve.

Ekaterina and Clara were dancing while a Clara’s favorite song was played. Actually Clara has seen Ekaterina at Russian Embassy and heard her singing voice.

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