外国人のお家で料理を習おう②(Cooking with foreigners! Pt2)

We continue a talk with “Niki’s Kitchen“, a cooking school which teaches a variety of dishes from around the world. Naoko Tanase, a representative of Niki’s Kitchen, told us her bane of school management.

Tanase came up against a difficulty as soon as she began to look for teachers. She asked foreigners to be cooking teachers directly, but they said, “I don’t want to invite unknown Japanese into my house.” However Tanase didn’t give up and she found a foreigner who wanted to be a cooking teacher finally.
Tanase got more teachers after that, but not all has been smooth sailing. For example, some young teachers quit teaching because students made complaints about their recipes. On the other hand, old women gained popularity because of their abundant cook experience.

Now the most popular class in Niki’s Kitchen is booked in one minute. It shows how popular Niki’s Kitchen is, but her life is still full of cares because there’re always cultural gaps between foreign teachers and Japanese students.
If your teachers are from Asian countries, they would feel that your questions are distractions in their classes. So they give you precise instruction on how to cook in order to cover any question. On the other hand, teachers from Europe and US think that you’re passionate about classes if you ask something. So they teach you roughly in order to leave room for questions. Japanese tend to feel that the Asian way is kinder so teachers from Europe and the US experience hardship.
So Tanase holds meetings with them and looks for teaching method which students want. She said, “The most important assignment which I have to work on is to bridge cultural gaps”.

If you’re interested in teaching Japanese how to cook your cuisine or telling them your food culture, ask Niki’s Kitchen through E-mail. *Contact; nikikitchen@ga2.so-net.ne.jp

先週に引き続き、世界中の家庭料理を外国人の自宅で学べる料理教室のお話です。「Niki’s Kitchen」主宰の棚瀬尚子さんにお越しいただき、学校を運営する際のご苦労についてお話いただきました。


今では人気のクラスだと1分で予約が埋まってしまうほど大人気のNiki’s Kitchenですが、まだまだ苦労は絶えません。なぜなら、外国人の先生と日本人の生徒さんの間には、どうしても文化の”ズレ”ができてしまうからだそうです。


お料理が大好きな方、異文化に関心がある方・・・ぜひ一度「Niki’s Kitchen」の門をたたいてみてください。きっと、新しい世界が目の前に広がるはずです。


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