今日も、笑顔でありますように① (Keep on smiling Part 1)

We’re going to talk about “War & Peace” this week and next week with a guest from Colombia. Hector Sierra, a founder of “Artists Without Borders”.


In 1999, Hector launched “Artists Without Borders”, the Tokyo-based organization which aims to eliminate the causes of war through art. He’s flied to the battle areas such as Kosovo, former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, East Timor and so on and met many kids. He gives them crayons and papers and let them draw pictures in order to bring smiles to their faces. Or sometimes he gives them origami to enjoy making something of a piece of paper. Playing with origami or other Japanese things leads to abolish their prejudice of different cultures.


His activities are summarized in the following poem which is composed by Hector.


Children’s drawings『子どもの絵』

Have you ever seen children’s drawings? 子どもの絵 見たことある?
There is a sweet kindness when kids are drawing 何か見ると 幸せになる
They use colors as if they were artists 色使い上手 アーティストのように
Their imagination makes them real artists 想像力あふれ 天才のように

The sun is a kite! How interesting! 太陽の凧あげ 面白い場面
A line of light is held by a rabbit うさぎに届いた 光の線
A cute cat is doing rope-jumping ねこのなわとび? とてもかわいい
On such a rainbow I would ride a bit こんな虹に 乗ってみたい

One rarely sees such pure smiles こんな笑顔は なかなか見ない
I never be able to smile like that 一生かけても まねできない
Don’t you know this piece of art? 知らないの? この作品
A poet with colors painted by heart 生み出したのは 色の詩人

Oh, what happened here? This painting is sad あら?この絵は何? 色が暗い
It is war seen by a child 戦争の子が描いた世界
Is this a pencil? It’s an explosion これは鉛筆? いや ロケットの絵
What I thought were toys was all destruction. 花火と思ったら 爆発の絵
Most children draw flowers, animals or games 普通の子なら 遊びや動物
For this kid death is his everyday この絵では 恐怖が普通

Draw many, many pictures! 絵を描いて 描いて!
– But I have no crayons! 僕 クレヨンない!
I got some for you. Open this case 持ってきたよ 開けてごらん
I got it from a faraway place. Crayons and colors to repaint disgrace 平和の国からもらってきた たくましい君に持ってきた
Drawing pictures will cheer you up 絵を描いて 描いて! 考えずに
Primary colors will soon show up 心の原色 表れるように

You give them crayons and kids don’t say thank you クレヨンあげたら 「ありがとう」言わない
Children don’t need to say thank you 子どもは 感謝の言葉いらない
Can a cute smile ever be regrettable? だって その微笑み 誰も描けない
What their eyes say is unforgettable その目が言ったこと 忘れられない

Please give me one of your drawings 絵をひとつだけ 私にちょうだい
In peaceful countries people should know it 平和の人に 見てもらいたい
Draw many, many pictures! 絵を描いて描いて! たくさん たくさん!
Use all crayons in your next pictures 全てのクレヨン 使ってごらん
Draw until peaceful colors would start to appear 暗い太陽は 輝くように
The colors of war will disappear 戦争の色が なくなるように
When a rabbit and a cat will be playing with you うさぎとねこも 君とともに
The following words I will say for you: 次の言葉が 言えるまでに
Have you ever seen children’s drawings? 子どもの絵 見たことある?
There is a kind sweetness when kids are drawing 何か見ると 幸せになる


Hector recited this poem on the radio. You can listen to his poem on Podcast, too. Also you can enjoy Ekaterina’s beautiful singing voice. She sang a song called “Waratte Mawatte” a cappella. She, who hopes that the world will be filled with people’s smiles, wrote that song. So listen to it on the radio or Podcast. You can enjoy it at the very end of the program & Podcast.



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