新しい趣味 & ソロコンサート(New hobby & latest event)

Recently I took up a new hobby. You know I’ve been making stage costumes of kimonos. And I began to use fragments of them to create stuffed animals.


They are cute, aren’t they? Many people want them. I would like to make more dolls and give them to my fans and our listeners.

BTW, I held my concert at a live house called “Qui” near Tokyo’s Ueno Park on July 19. I sang Japanese/Russian/European/classic songs including “Turandot”.
ところで7月19日(月・祝)、上野公園そばにある「池之端ライブスペース Qui(き)」でソロコンサートをしました。とっても信頼しているピアニスト、豊嶋裕子さんの伴奏で、日本やロシアの曲はもちろん、フランス語やイタリア語の歌、シャンソン、そして「トゥーランドット」などのクラシック曲を歌いました。

I wore a new dress on a first half. It completed that morning, it means I stayed up to make it.

A big crowd came to the livehouse in the second half. I was dressed in a refreshingly cool kimono dress and welcomed them. I’m a singer who doesn’t get nervous in front of many people. Rather I feel tension when I’m in front of a few people. So I could enjoy singing more in the latter half.


I performed with my dolls! 私が作ったぬいぐるみたちと、初めての共演です。

Audience can order eel meals at that livehouse so some enjoyed both food and my singing voice. As for me, I always get energy from your wonderful smiles and supports!



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