Japanese and foreigners are still separated?(日本人と外国人、今でも離ればなれ?)

Today we talked about the wall between Japanese and foreigners in response to our previous show. We introduced an opinion of an Australian man who’s been in Japan for 14 years.

今週は前回の放送を受けて、思い切ったテーマでお送りしました。「日本人と外国人、今でも離ればなれ?」と題して、僕らの間には、今でも壁が存在するのか ー これについて、日本に長年住んでいる外国人と、つい最近日本に来た外国人の意見をご紹介しました。

“The word ‘Gaijin’ speaks volumes for how Japanese view people from other countries, as outside people… not as a part of Japan.”

“This isn’t an issue unique to Japan… this challenge exists in any country where more than one culture comes together. The greatest example in the world is the USA, where people from many countries came to settle in a new country… the USA. This challenge still is a big issue in the USA.”

“I think Japanese and foreigners are still separate on the larger scale. But I do find you can connect and be accepted on smaller, more personal levels.”

“I have been in Japan 14 years and the question I always get asked is (I was asked it tonight); when are you going back to your own country? This seems strange for me, since my children are Japanese and I married a Japanese lady… if I go back, do I leave my family behind? Do I take them with me? Will they no longer be Japanese if they live in Australia for a long time?”

“I only get asked that because everyone assumes… because I look foreign… then I must be a visitor. Nobody can imagine that some foreigner would choose to be a part of this country and live here long term.”

“I think Japanese have a right to keep the Japanese spirit and culture alive, but at the same time they need to be more worldly; have the courage to try new things… act out of the comfort zone. Otherwise Japanese and foreigners will always be separate… foreigners will always be – OUTSIDE PEOPLE.”

What do you think about this opinion? 皆さんは、このご意見をどう思いますか?


Also we shared another story of an Indonesian man with you. He moved to Japan last November. It was contributed by Masayuki Abe, a TUFS (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) student who’s been interviewing foreigners in Japan like Tokuhashi.

“For example, when I wanted to apply for insurance, I had to go to the city hall. In the city hall, they didn’t have staff who can speak English. They tried to explain how to get insurance, but I didn’t know what they meant. We sometimes have difficulties in communicating in government facilities. Even the information is not in English.”

“The first time I didn’t know whether it’s my own problem. But when I talked with other foreigners, they also had the same experiences.”

“I want to have lots of friends in Japan. But the problem is that I don’t have any chance to socialize with other Japanese people.”

Tokuhashi has interviewed about 70 – 80 foreigners so far and many of them mentioned about that issue. They have struggled (or are still struggling) with that kind of wall.
My Eyes Tokyo主宰の徳橋は、過去に70~80人の外国人にインタビューしてきましたが、彼らの多くがこの問題に触れていました。「壁」を乗り越えた人もいれば、今も「壁」と格闘中の人もいます。

We’ll be very happy if you send your opinions about those issues to myeyestokyo@gmail.com. Thank you very much!


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