Cheer up Tohoku by festas!(お祭りで復興支援を!)

Some good news to you from My Eyes Tokyo!

Firstly, the 3 major festivals in Tohoku will be held in this coming summer! Those are “Aomori Nebuta Festival“”Akita Kanto Festival” and “Sendai Tanabata Festival“. All of us have good memories of those festivals so we are very happy to hear that.

Schedules of the festivals are below.
● Aomori Nebuta: August 2 (Tue) – 7 (Sun) 2011.
● Akita Kanto: August 3 (Wed) – 6 (Sat) 2011.
● Sendai Tanabata: August 6 (Sat) – 8 (Mon) 2011.

Wow! You’ll be able to enjoy all of them in the same week! You just have to go!

今週のMy Eyes Tokyoでは、嬉しいお知らせを皆さんにお届けしました。首都圏では行事やイベントが数々中止される中、何と被災地である東北地方では例年通り”3大祭り”が行われるのです!3大祭りとは「青森ねぶた祭り」「秋田竿灯祭り」「仙台七夕祭り」のことで、Team My Eyes Tokyoにも思い入れがあります。



● 青森ねぶた祭り 8月2日(火)〜7日(日)*詳しくはこちら
● 秋田竿灯祭り 8月3日(水)〜6日(土)*詳しくはこちら
● 仙台七夕祭り 8月6日(土)〜8日(月) *詳しくはこちら

Then in Tokyo, the city where we are, the big firework festival will be held as has happened in the past!
Sumidagawa (Sumida River) Firework Festival will be held on August 27 (Sat), about one month later than normal. And you know what? It’s one of the oldest festivals in the world!
It launched in 1733, when fireworks were launched as part of festivals for the dead. The country was in an economic crisis, and the people suffered from famine and disease to a greater degree than normal. Thus, the rituals and celebrations in which the fireworks took part played multiple roles. These were mourning observances for the dead, as well as celebrations of life, and entertainment for the poverty-stricken masses.

So go to see the fireworks! Those will send the positive vibes to Tohoku!




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