3.11 Pray for Japan.

My Eyes Tokyo had the first field report on May 8 (sun), at the “3.11 Pray For Japan Charity Concert”!! We are proud and honored to have been part of such a wonderful event in Yoyogi Park. It was a beautiful, sunny day and set the mood perfectly. Many Japanese performers such as Sunplaza Nakano Kun, Toshiyuki Tachikawa, Diamond Yukai, etc. stood up and voiced out their desire to have a charity concert to raise funds to send hot food for the earthquake victims in Tohoku.

どんどん外に飛び出すMy Eyes Tokyo、5月8日(日)に行われた『3.11 Pray for Japan』の取材で、代々木公園に行ってきました!私たちのTwitterアカウントに、イベント事務局の野原裕美さんから取材依頼をいただいたのがきっかけです。
元「爆風スランプ」のサンプラザ中野くん、元「大事MANブラザーズ」の立川俊之さん、ダイヤモンド☆ユカイさん、中西圭三さんなど、一時代を築いた錚々たるアーティストたちが、イベントの主旨に賛同して代々木公園に結集しました。『それが大事』『Choo Choo Train』『Runner』など、今でもキラキラ輝き続ける名曲が、東北の人たちに向けて熱く放たれました。

We had the opportunity to interview Yoichiro Aoyogi, Chairperson of the Planning Committee who was enthusiastic about sending positive energy to the people in the Tohoku area. His team did the near impossible feat of putting together this big event in just three weeks and it was a testament to the great support they had for the cause. Please listen to his interview at the bottom of http://fm840.jp/blog/myeyestokyo/?p=2173. (He starts talking from 14’41”)

ガンガンに盛り上がる会場で「3.11 Pray for Japan」実行委員長の青柳陽一郎さんにお話をお伺いしました。企画からわずか3週間(!)でこのイベントを実現させたとのこと。その原動力は「東北に笑顔を届けたい!」という青柳さんや実行委員会の思いでした。 http://fm840.jp/blog/myeyestokyo/?p=2173 にて、彼の肉声をお聴きください(ページ一番下にあるPodcastにて14’41″からインタビューが始まります)。

There were many booths at the event with products such as Sake wine from Fukushima for sale. The major sponsor of the event was Osaka Ohshou, famous for their gyoza (dumplings). They created an original vegan gyoza specially for this event. All the donations made during the event were used to bring “heartfelt” gyoza to the affected areas. The actual truck that was cooking and selling the gyoza in Yoyogi Park left right after the event to make a two week journey to Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima. They are currently making their rounds providing freshly cooked gyoza and delivering love and smiles from Tokyo.


*For more details of Pray for Japan; Click!
* 大阪王将の餃子カーは、今どこに?→ こちらでチェック!



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