難民語学スクール(Refugees become instructors)

If you understand Japanese well, you may have been surprised at the beginning of our tonight’s show. A woman played both a male boss and a female office worker… Oops, I cannot tell you more than that!
We welcomed Terumi Ishii, who portrayed a kind of facets of corporate society in Japan at the beginning of tonight’s show, and Kanako Iwase, a representative of “Arusha“, a refugee nail salon.


*Previous session with Iwase 前回ご出演いただいた時のエピソード:


Arusha starts a new business. That’s a “refugee language school”.
Iwase has trained refugees who live in Japan to be manicurists. And now she opens a language school.
Women who’re good hands can be manicurists, but how about male refugees or those who’re unskillful with their fingers?  She starts the language classes that refugees teach you languages because she wanted to give employments to any of them. They’ll teach you English, French and Chinese.


Terumi Ishii, a Japanese comedienne.「○○やさしい」石井てる美さん

Also Terumi Ishii gives lessons at Arusha language school. Her TOEIC score is 970 (out of 990). She graduated the grad school of the University of Tokyo and worked for McKinsey & Company, Inc. Iwase told us that Ishii teaches English to those who want to learn it from Japanese. You can take lessons from her on a one-to-one basis and contribute 350 yen to refugee relief activities every time you take her lesson.
Learn and contribute – that’s the Arusha’s language school. If you’re curious about it, call at 03-6721-8528. Or send a mail to info☆arusha.co.jp. (Replace ☆ by @)

英語を学びながら、社会貢献もできるアルーシャ語学学校。初回レッスンキャンペーン実施中で、通常1レッスン(50分)3150円→ 初回のみ2100円!詳しくは http://www.arusha.co.jp/school/index.html をご覧下さい。


BTW, Ekaterina’s concert and fashion show will be held at Shinagawa Intercity Hall (near JR Shinagawa Station) on March 29. Open: 6PM/Start: 7PM. Don’t miss it!
ところでエカテリーナさんのコンサート&ファッションショーまで、あと3週間とちょっとです。皆さん、お忘れなく!3月29日@品川インターシティホール 午後6時開場/午後7時開演です。


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